Boundaries In the spirit world
How to be a medium AND have boundaries with the spirit world so you don’t get overwhelmed with other energies?
How to be a medium AND have boundaries with the spirit world so you don’t get bombarded with other energies?
I was chatting with a client the other day who is coming online to her beautiful mediumship gifts and the topic of boundaries came up.
A common challenge for new mediums is getting bombarded with requests from the other side either for help or to relay messages to the living.
Why does this happen? Well, as I once heard of a shaman who came to North America and said “you have a lot of dead people here”, I have to agree.
Most other cultures believe in a soul and crossing over, but our western society tends towards more materialist views that often don’t align with the concept of the soul living beyond this physical form.
As a result, there are a lot of dead people who…
1. don’t realize their dead (because their consciousness is still alive), or
2. don’t understand where to go when they die (into in the light ).
But our western culture aside, souls can also get caught between worlds because they’ve attached to people, places or things, because they feel they need to watch over a loved one, or because they have unresolved business on earth.
And there’s way less practicing mediums than there are spirits in need of help.
All of this makes for a situation where it’s hard to keep up with demand from the other side.
But something I like to teach my clients and students early on is boundaries.
Boundaries with dead people are just like boundaries with the living.
If you’re a practicing medium or coming online mediumship gifts, have office hours.
Meaning when a spirit knocks on your door, tell them “I take appointments at this time on this day of the week, please come and see me then”.
Spirits will understand and respect your boundaries, so long as you live up to your end of the bargain and show up when you said you would.
And if you don’t want to take ANY appointments, you have the right to tell them to look elsewhere because you’re not available for them.
It can be as simple as that.
And if you are someone who feels called to mediumship or you’re already receiving messages from the other side, I commend you! This can be incredibly healing and heart-centered work, both for the souls who have crossed over and their loved ones on earth. Mediumship has taught me so much about love and the journeys our souls go on.
➡️ If you feel called to develop your intuitive gifts, then the Medicine Within Academy may be right for you. Book a free clarity call now to see if we’re a good fit.

Abigail Moss is a healer, teacher and creator of the Medicine Within Method. She helps seekers, healers and coaches embody their authentic selves and share their medicine with the world.
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