Congratulations on Taking the leap!

Welcome to the client success portal! Before our call, see how I’m helping old souls transform their lives.

"I wanted to know the truth of who I am."

"Experiencing the wisdom of my heart changed everything.".

"I thought that this kind of learning would take years. It’s been stable, exponential growth in the last six months.".

"It's completely changed the trajectory of my career, my perspective on everything, and my ability to move through life."

"At the end of the course, I just watched everything all come together and the people (in my sessions) were just so happy they were crying tears of Joy. And it was just so fulfilling and rewarding. That was amazing."

From shy Reiki practitioner to Medicine Within Coach guiding clients through profound healing sessions, Krista shares her Medicine Within Coach Training experience.

“I was given tools and practices to support myself wherever I am, to heal myself, and to connect to my spirit.
I learned to listen to my intuition and receive my own wisdom and truth.
I learned that I am not broken. That I am worthy. That I am enough.
I learned that I am magical.
I discovered the priestess in me, the medicine woman, who has gifts to share with the world.”

– Davina

“Trauma controlled my life on a macro level, which of course I was unable to see. Masked with drugs and low-frequency energy, it was the perfect formula for a parasite that fed on my soul.

This mentorship has brought me consciousness, freedom and a deeper connection with the universe than I ever thought was possible. We are all one. To see that and truly feel that leaves me with no words but an abundance of gratitude. I now feel worthy of all the creations in my life as they are now in truth and filled with so much love from source & mama Gaia.

What surprised me was finding my true self. There were SO many layers masking my true divine self. I have changed on a molecular level and to me, that has been the greatest gift. I have ended generational trauma and brought healing for all future generations after I transition, what a blessing.”

– Lyssa

“Trauma controlled my life on a macro level, which of course I was unable to see. Masked with drugs and low-frequency energy, it was the perfect formula for a parasite that fed on my soul.

This mentorship has brought me consciousness, freedom and a deeper connection with the universe than I ever thought was possible. We are all one. To see that and truly feel that leaves me with no words but an abundance of gratitude. I now feel worthy of all the creations in my life as they are now in truth and filled with so much love from source & mama Gaia.

What surprised me was finding my true self. There were SO many layers masking my true divine self. I have changed on a molecular level and to me, that has been the greatest gift. I have ended generational trauma and brought healing for all future generations after I transition, what a blessing.”

– Lyssa

“Thank you so much, Abby. That was truly a wonderful mind-bending, world-altering experience. The mentorship is making such an amazing difference in my life already in so many ways (with so many tools) that I didn’t think anything would surprise me at this point…but this was so powerful, it definitely took me by surprise.

THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart, Abby–not just for that session but for offering the mentorship class and accepting me into it. It was definitely the right thing at the right time and will have an impact on me forever.”

– Mya-Lisa

My Mission

I’m Abigail Moss, and I’m here to support the healing and awakening of life on Earth.

By awakening the healer within each of us.

So that we may stand in our power, heal our spirit, and share our original medicine.

If you feel the call to something greater, I’m here to help you answer it.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.”

– Marianne Williamson

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