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S2E2- How I’ve been getting my energy back


How I’ve been getting my energy back

How I've been getting my energy back

If you’ve been struggling with any kind of chronic condition in your heart, mind or body, this episode is for you. Even though chronic conditions can at times leave you feeling hopeless, I truly believe that you can heal anything. And the inner work that I’ve been doing has been proving that. Here I share what’s been working for me to heal the chronic fatigue I’ve been dealing with for years and the unexpected gifts that have come from this work.

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Full Show Transcript

00:00:00 – 00:01:17

If you are looking to grow and transform and connect with a beautiful heart led community also on a path of healing and transformation, then I’m inviting you to my Heart space facebook group. It is a place for spiritual seekers to find healing, to find answers within themselves and connect with other heart lead seekers in this group will be sharing daily tips on drama and form practices for self healing behind the scenes. Video lessons on working with your inner child, regulating your nervous system, accessing your intuition and using your powerful mind to work for you and not against you is the place to collaborate your resources and also learn from other active members who are heart led spiritual seekers. This is where I will be teaching you high level information about my medicine within method that I’ve used to come home to myself and that I regularly guide my clients home to their authentic selves with. There’s going to be a ton of value in this group over the coming days, weeks and months and years. So don’t miss out. Go to the link in the show notes and check out the Heart space healing for Spiritual Seekers facebook group. It is totally free to join and there’s going to be so much value shared in there.

00:01:20 – 00:01:42

Hello and welcome to the mind-body for podcast. I am your host, Abigail, of I’m a shaman. I am here to awaken the healers, to not simply teach you but to bring you home to your own divinity, nature and spirit, so that you may remember the depths of your own being, power and purpose, and embody your original medicine in all that you do. This work is not for the faint of heart, but for the driven seeker. We’ll not quit until they find what calls them. This is for those who are ready to step into their power, even though a fucking terrifies them. This is for the medicine, women, the light workers and the weary souls who live countless lifetimes. This is a path to mend, your deepest of los, to remember the innocence of your nature. This is a way of embodiment, integrity and awakening. It is a portal back to your soul and a bridge between worlds. This is where we reclaim our magic, our birthright and our true being, a magic that was hidden for centuries by religion, madness and fear. It is a power that stirs in our woods and knowing, whispered by our ancestors. It is a song sung by the universe, it is our birthright, our divinity and our day. We are here to remember it, embody it and return to the world from which it was hidden. Welcome this season to reclaim your magic.

00:03:39 – 00:04:29

So I want to share in this episode a little bit of about the journey that I’ve been going through lately. I’ve been going through a really intense season of my lifelong path to healing, and I say lifelong because I believe that it is a continuous journey. We are constantly in a state of evolution and moving towards our truest and freest expression of ourselves, and I want to acknowledge that that it’s not really a one and one thing. You don’t really go to one, experience, one healing session and then you’re good forever. It’s layered and being an infinite, being many of us being old souls who experienced many lifetimes, many heartaches and hardships.

00:04:29 – 00:05:28

There’s a lot to unpack and release and transform. So it is a journey, and I’m in it for the long hall, because I couldn’t imagine anything else. I couldn’t imagine being stagnant and not evolving and moving towards peace and freedom and wholeness and happiness and all those things that ultimately live inside each of us, that are always available to us, but are past traumas and limiting beliefs and unhealthy patterns and coping mechanisms that we create from that pull us away from the peace that is a part of our nature, and so the journey that I’m on and that I support others in, is breaking free of those things that stop us from being our true divine selves, so that we can step deeper into awakening into awareness, into peace and freedom and show up in the way that we’re meant to really share our gifts with the world.

00:05:29 – 00:06:10

So lately I’ve been going through a process of deeper embodiment in the work that I share with others, in coming more deeply into my body and going deeper in the inner work. Now my husband would tell you that I do more inner work than anybody he knows, and that’s probably true, but there are ways that my mind, which is trying to protect me, this is what our mind does, protects us from pain and discomfort, will shut down and compartmentalized, will unconsciously compartmentalized and put up walls against our own issues to protect us from discomfort and pain.

00:06:10 – 00:07:04

But the problem with that is we don’t get to grow. It holds us back, so I’ve been going deeper into removing those barriers, becoming aware of them and removing them and getting more deeply connected with my body, with my own natural way of being, with my divinity, with what feels harmonious and whole and empowered to me, and part of what i’ve been doing lately is reconnecting with grief. I’ve been getting a lot of messages from the universe and my mind’s been picking up. One of these messages of you need to process grief and sadness is something that throughout my whole life, if I had a tendency to dip into any dark place, it would be the sadness that I felt the most, and so I know that there’s grief there that I’m yet to process, and so last night I dipped into it a little bit.

00:07:04 – 00:09:05

I took a little bit of cannabis is fully legal all throughout Canada. Fortunately, and sometimes that really just helps me get into my body and break through those mental barrier. But I know how to navigate the medicine. So I’m not condoning one way or the other, but anyway, with the support of Canibus, we’re able to go into feeling in my body, into feeling this deep sense of emotional pain. And then I felt like I just dipped into my heart’s centre and from that space I just touched it for a moment, this profound, intense grief and as I touched it my body was trembling. My body was trying to. I was a little bit of a nervous system override where it was a lot. It was very intense and as I was feeling it, I was getting these images, this knowing of places it was coming from. So it was a combination of familiar and ancestral grief, past lifetime grief, things that happened in other lifetimes, and something that I became consciously aware of was environmental grief or eco grief, and I feel like this is one that we are a situation environmentally, that we are all in together, and the level at which we acknowledge and processes grief is dependent on each of us and our readiness to go there, because it is such a big one. But whether or not our minds allows us in there or we choose to consciously break through the mental barriers set up to protect us, our heart is feeling it and so if we don’t allow ourselves to process that grief or any grief for that matter, it weighs on the heart, it weighs on the body and then it can create mental and physical illness and disease.

00:09:05 – 00:10:34

So I know it’s really important to feel the stuff and to process the stuff. So as I was feeling it, I was reminded of something I had heard about grief support group, an ego grief support group, and I thought this is what I need. I don’t want to process this alone. I don’t feel like I meant to, and so I did some searching and I found the Good grief network dot org, and they have these programs and and the tense system of processing grief for our own well being and so that we can then be more effective in changing our habits and taking action to support a shift for a more sustainable way of living. Because if we are so overwhelmed with grief, if our mind is protecting us from the intensity of that feeling, we’re not going to think about it, we’re not going to process it, we’re not going to look at it, it’s going to get locked away in a black box and it’s going to be the thing that our mind doesn’t let us go to and we can’t really get much done in that way. So in order to be effective and helpful with the climate crisis, I know that I need to first process more of my grief. I feel around that and I want to share from the good grief network. There are 10 steps to processing and dealing with the situation that we’re in now.

00:10:34 – 00:12:35

I feel like for me anyway, these steps really speak to the depth of where we are at and the power and intensity of processing that. So this is the 10 steps, not too much, unlike the 10 step alcoholic program where there’s 10 steps to dealing with things. So this is the 10 steps from the good grief network. On processing ego grief step one: accept the severity of the predicament and it’s a simple statement, but it holds a lot of power and it speaks to a really powerful acknowledgment. I feel that has the capability to incredibly shift energy and the way that we are responding as human beings to what’s happening in these times. To acknowledge I am part of the problem and solutions to this I feel like I can feel triggering. I want to say: well, this is industry’s fault. You know this is government’s fault, people empowered to make the changes, but the fact of the matter is they’re not, and so it’s going to be, I believe, each individual’s journey of awakening and then coming together to create the change that’s needed and to demand the change that’s needed in the world. So it’s a lot more empowering, even though it’s scarier and harder to do step, to acknowledge that I am both part of the problem and the solution. It’s hard, but that is true ownership, that is leadership, that is responsibility, that’s that’s growing up and put it in any more simple terms. Step three: practice: being with uncertainty.

00:12:35 – 00:13:31

It’s interesting. This is actually something that I sat with a yoga class the other night. We’ve received news that our dog has emerging lymphoma, which is kind of lymphatic cancer, and I’m going to be working with him through energy work and diet and herbs help him heal. But of course it was a grieving process to learn that and it was really difficult day when we got that news and I was in yoga class and one of my guides showed up. And while I was in class I often go in these visionary shamanic journeys. Once once I hit the mat, because I’m doing in yoga, which is very much slow, gentle movement, lying down, opening up the body, breaking through the dramas like it held in the body. So there I was in yoga class, with this darkly lit room, it’s heated room, there’s music playing.

00:13:31 – 00:14:08

I’m going inward, i’m feeling myself in outer space and this guide shows up and wrapped us both in this bubble of gold light within that space and he said to me: can you get comfortable with uncertainty? And when he asked me that I got this image of falling like was falling through that golden bubble of light down through space, down to the abyss, the depth of darkness, and I felt this panic energy arising in this feeling of saying no, I need to hold on, I need to make things happen.

00:14:08 – 00:15:38

If I don’t hold on, everything will fall apart and into ruin and I’ll be surrounded by darkness. And he said to me: you need to have faith. And in that moment the energy shifted and I had this realization that when I am in fear, when, when I am in fear, with a space of uncertainty, I am not in the place of having faith. And this is faith in anything. It could be faith if you believe in God or the universe or spirit or divinity, or just faith in each moment. Faith in yourself. They said it’s going to be okay, it was just the energy of faith and I didn’t need to have any belief in one thing or any story. I just called in the energy of faith and as I called in that energy of faith, I felt this light coming in, I felt Nature holding me, I felt held and I felt safe and I felt like I can let go. I don’t need to hold on to everything because I’m being held because there is more than just me that are keeping things moving, that are keeping this world together. Thank God, it’s too much for any one individual shoulders. So that was very healing for me and it showed me that I can sit with uncertainty.

00:15:38 – 00:16:41

And when I have faith, there is no need for fear just being in the moment, being in the moment being with the energy of faith within the space of uncertainty, because everything within life is uncertain. I don’t believe we live in a deterministic reality whatsoever. We have free will. There is so much happening beyond our awareness, beyond our scope, beyond our control. So trying to control it, it’s just going to create so much suffering for ourselves. So practice being with uncertainty. And for me that also means not having an agenda, not needing anything to be one outcome in order to be happy or okay, except that it’s bigger than me. It’s beyond all of us, my dog’s health. What’s happening in the environment? We can’t be attached to the outcome, but we can do our best to help. That’s all we can do that and the inner work which enables us to do our best to help.

00:16:41 – 00:17:47

All right step four, honor my mortality and the mortality of all. That’s a big one. Can you feel the power of that one? Honor my mortality and the mortality of all. What? What kind of world would we live in if we were all doing that? Yeah, we’re here for a while, for a period of time, it’s not for forever. All things shall pass. This too shall pass. Honor that we all have mortality. So let’s make our time here as beautiful as can be. And you know, as a showman, I know, through my experience of existence and through supporting others and through mediumship, that we don’t and when the body dies, when our spirit leaves, the body or spirit is still energy and consciousness that cannot be created or destroyed.

00:17:47 – 00:18:54

That is a change of state. So we do move on to the next place, you know, which can be varied for each of us. Hopefully we move into the light, unless needing mediumship to do that. But honouring the mortality of this lifetime in this body. This is a part of life for all of us and we cannot argue with the greater laws of nature and rhythms of life that allows us the experience here to come in and swim in this ocean of life and then take our leave. What an amazing, beautiful, profound thing to do. Step five, inner work. Well, yeah, in percentage, it is the inner work that transforms our lives and transforms our impact in the world. Everything that holds us back is inside of us.

00:18:54 – 00:20:14

The mind will look to project, to think that the answers are outside of us. That is the mind, the egos habit, but they are not. They are always inside and if you are struggling with some, with motivation or confidence or self-worth or self-love or any of those that is going to hold you back, because that is, those feelings inside are going to form the narrative through which you see yourself and the world in which you. And if you want to change that world, you need to change the narrative and there’s no way around it but doing the inner work. And it is not easy. It’s fucking hard, but that is the only way to transform your life and to step in to who you are truly meant to be and the work you are truly meant to do. And it’s also fucking beautiful because as you work through and release the social conditioning, the familiar ancestral and past life drama you in shamanism it’s called sole retrieval. Where you get a part of yourself back and re connect it with the whole of who you are, and it’s like the feeling of a part of your soul.

00:20:14 – 00:21:19

Returning to you is like nothing else. It is the most beautiful heart expanding experience that you can have and I’ve been through it many a time and i’m sure I will go through it more. It is a continuous journey of coming back into reunion with the infinity that is your being. It’s pretty awesome step six: develop awareness of brain patterns and perception. So this is very important, because how I mentioned the ego likes to protect us from pain, and it is the mind’s job to keep you alive, and that is it. It is not here to necessarily help you evolve, and it is certainly not here to make you happy. It is our each of our own responsibility to become the watchers of our own mind and to become aware of the habits and patterns that the mind forms to protect itself. And I’m going into that a little bit more, I think actually.

00:21:20 – 00:22:41

So I’ve really been enjoying this book lately called potent Leadership by Ruby Freman, and in it she speaks to the ID, the ego and the superego from Sigmund Froid from his theory of these three components of the mind, and she breaks down the ego to the part of the mind that is constantly working to protect itself, often through any means necessary, and it is the part of us that feels offensive, that has defense mechanisms that are there to protect you from anything that is unpleasant, and it’s not that the ego is bad. We need the ego. The ego creates an identity, a sense of self and separation from you and another. So you know, to put a glass of water up to your mouth and not somebody else. We can’t abolish the ego, but it needs to be balanced, can’t we can, but it’s not great. We don’t want to live from the ego. We don’t want to allow the ego to run the show, because that’s putting us in this extreme version of defensiveness, really a lack of growth, because the ego is protecting you from anything uncomfortable and of course you have to get uncomfortable to grow.

00:22:41 – 00:24:04

That’s just part of transformations. Here are the steps that the ego takes to protect us from anything that is unpleasant. Number one is repression. Your ego pushes unwonted thoughts out of your conscious mind. Two is denial. Your ego blocks unwonted, upsetting, undesired and overwhelming experiences and events causing you to not see, not believe, not acknowledge and perhaps even refuse to accept what’s happening. Does that sound familiar with the environmental crisis? Number three is projection as an attempt to fix your problems. Your ego attributes your unacceptable thoughts, feelings and motives to another person, and this is something that you know. We go into a lot with my clients and part of my inner work. I work with the work of Byron Katie, and she has created an incredibly powerful system, what she calls the work for breaking down projections and realizing the patterns of the mind, these unhealthy patterns of the mind to project our thoughts and feelings and motives on to someone else. And so the work, if you’re wondering, you go to the work, dotcom or check out, buying Katy on Youtube or on her podcast.

00:24:04 – 00:24:39

She is amazing and the work is powerful. All right, the next pattern, the next defense mechanism of the ego, is displacement. Your ego will have you satisfy an impulse via a substitute person or object in a socially unacceptable way, for example releasing the anger that you feel towards yourself on your partner instead. So we’re basically displacing the pain that we feel somewhere else, and I think this could also be something that forms, you know, addictions as we know it.

00:24:39 – 00:25:36

So instead of facing the pain, I’m going to distract myself with a kind of substance or shopping or sex, any destructive behavior, habit or substance that allows us to feel a little bit better in the moment. Next one is regression. Your ego will lead you to move backward in your development to cope with stress or overwhelming situations. So acting like an 11 year-old or your 11 year-old self, and this is something that happens often, for example, in romantic relationships. So with your partner or spouse, we will often revert back to our inner child when we get triggered and our couple therapy has said that we get married so that we can trigger each other because that is the inner child wanting to heal. So we will find partners that push those buttons for us because each time the button gets pushed that is an opportunity for healing.

00:25:36 – 00:26:37

So it is not uncommon. You know when you say when you ask your partner, can you do this or that and you instantly get the snapback. Like what did that come from? Like? Well, that was the inner child who it’s pushing back and fighting, because in that moment you reminded them of their over controlling dad or their alcoholic mother. So it’s never about you in that moment. That’s that’s someone reverting back to their wounded in herself. The next pattern of the mind is rationalization. Your ego attempts to justify a mistake, problem or undesired feeling with seemingly logical reasons or explanations. Put your hand up. If you’ve done that, my hand is: we’ve all been there. We’ve all done that, something that I love as a way to bypass, that is, getting into the body, because the body does not rationalize. The body is a 100% authentic with the experience that it is feeling, with the emotions that are felt, with what it likes and what it doesn’t like.

00:26:37 – 00:27:58

And something that I do with my clients is teaching them how to get back into their body and listen to their body. And it’s a practice because we have to retrain ourselves from looking for the answers outside of us and other people on Google, on other, casts, on anything that is outside of us. The answers are always going to be inside of you and your powers of discernment, of knowing what is right for you and what’s not what is true, what is false? That is going to be in your body. So to get past the rationalization of the mind, we get into the body. That’s the tool that I love: to buy past that and to really rise above that, because the mind is going to try to justify anything that it feels in agenda towards. So I live in Alberta in Canada, which is a very oil and gas driven industry in this province. So there are a lot of people who don’t believe in climate change because their bills are paid through the oil and gas industries. So the mind will try to rationalize why we need oil and gas, why there are no other ways, why green alternatives are bad. Because behind that there is fear, like if we don’t do this, then what is there to do? Of course there’s we know that the largest growing industry for jobs is alternative energy.

00:27:58 – 00:28:34

So it’s just education and that part. All right. Reaction formation, your ego will lead you to express yourself or behave in ways that are opposite of your true feelings, for example, attempting to control everything because you actually feel insecure. So your ego will lead you to express yourself or behave in ways that are opposite of your true feelings. So how many times, how many of you have done this where you’ve betrayed what actually felt right, because you’ve felt that you needed to do something else.

00:28:34 – 00:29:21

So whether that is doing so much for others and not taking care of yourself or that is saying yes, when you really mean no, or trying to control everything because it doesn’t feel safe because of some kind of insecurity, so is another one that I’ve been through, and I think if you look for long enough, you’ll find that you’ve been through too, as we’ve all been through this. These are the patterns of the mind. This is not any condemnation, this is a process of illumination, of becoming aware of the way that our minds work so that we can then rise above them, and there is no need for any guilt or shame or blame. With that we are all going through it together. All right. So the next pattern of the mind, the last one here, is sublimation.

00:29:21 – 00:30:53

So like displacement. Your ego will have you satisfy an impulse, a substitute person or object, but in a socially acceptable way, for example channelling your frustration into your workouts. So this would be an example of, because it’s a socially acceptable way, socially acceptable addition. So working out it’s seen as a good thing, but it can be a way to avoid feeling pain. You know, yoga is. I need it in my life, I need it for my own healing and well being, but people can also use it. Any one of us could also use it as a way to numb by just pushing and pushing and pushing. So it is any form, what I would call socially acceptable addition. So those are the eight forms of defensiveness that the eagle will put up in order to protect you from anything unpleasant and, of course, in order to grow and change, we have to become aware of and break through these patterns, these defense mechanisms, so that we can then up into our authentic nature, our power, our integrity, our medicine, and share that with the world, and the world needs that right now could need it more. So, moving back now to the 10 steps of dealing with eco grief, we just went over step six: develop awareness of brain patterns and perception. Moving in now to step seven, which is practiced.

00:30:53 – 00:33:06

Gratitude, witness beauty and create connections, and I see this as a very necessary yang to the in the in the dark. It is the inward it is, it is doing the shadow work, the yang is the light, it is the outward, it is filling back up with light, and this is essential for restoration, because you can burn out from doing too much inner work. It can’t be all shadow work, shadow work, shadow work. The best of us will inevitably burn out from too much of that. We need to have balance in our lives. So practising gratitude, witnessing beauty and creating connections are all things that are going to lift us back up and bring us into a state of harmony and peace and appreciation, and that is so deeply nourishing for your mind, your body and your spirit. So I love Steven and I think if we all did more of this, we’d be in a wonderful place, and it is an essential yang to then. We need to do the shadow work. We need to face our own demons so they don’t run our lives any more. But after you do that, appreciate in the beauty and the gratitude and the connectedness with nature, with those whom you feel lifted up when you’re around them. That is the stuff that is going to make it all worthwhile and fill you back up so that you then have the capacity and the stamina to do the lifelong healing journey, and that’s what makes it beautiful. All right. Step eight, take breaks and rest. That is continuation of the young. To the end. We need to restore ourselves. We can’t push ourselves too far. We can’t go into that place of burnout because then we’re not effective. We don’t feel good in ourselves. You deserve to be happy and it is happy people. It is people who are nourished who are able to create massive change in this world, for for the better, to make this world a better place, step nine, show up.

00:33:06 – 00:34:39

So when we do steps one through eight, it enables us to show up when we face our darkness, when we let the light in, when we give it time to rest and integrate into our being, then we have the strength, then we have the strength of being to show up for ourselves number one, and for others, and for the environment or for whoever. Whatever I feel you feel you need to show up for now when you do these other steps. This is what enables you the integrity and the strength, the accountability to be there for yourself and others, and step 10 reinvest into meaningful efforts. So take action. So from there, when we do the work on ourselves and it begins within us, it has to begin within us. This cannot be an ego driven. I need to be significant, I need to change. The world is the only way I’ll be happy like that’s coming from a broken place and when we come from that energy we’re not being the change we want to see in the world and it’s not going to come from the strength of being an integrity that is needed in order to create the kind of changes that the world needs right now. So we really have to do this work within ourselves to embody our true being, so that we can show up and then reinvest into meaningful efforts and help each other. That’s what we’re meant to do. We’re not meant to work alone.

00:34:39 – 00:36:38

We are social species, we are meant to support each other, and there is no one in this world who does everything alone. And even if you are recluse away from other, human nature is there, with you supporting you. The air we breathe is given to us by the trees, breathing as well. Everything is working together, so the more that we can integrate that connectedness and community, the more that we can lift and support each other up. I send you my love: may you have grace and this journey may break through the walls that your mind puts up to protect you so that you can grow and transform into the depth of your true being and know that you don’t have to do it alone. Community. I truly have found to be an essential ingredient, a very, very powerful ingredient to healing the heart, and I have a completely free of charge to join heart Space Facebook group for spiritual seekers. This is where I go alive every Wednesday night and I share behind the scenes information on what is working for me and my clients using the medicine within method, a method that I created, that’s roadmap home to your authentic self, where you learn how to heal and free yourself of society, conditioning that steered you away from who you actually are, of the ancestral, familial and passive dramas that, behind the scenes, govern how you think, feel and act. This is embodied somatic healing. This is working with the subconscious, with the mind, with the spirit. So it is powerful, deep work and you get to be a part of this heart led community totally free of charge. Just go to the show notes and click on Heart Space Facebook group for spiritual seekers, and I love to have you in there until next time, my friends sending you my love.

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26- Announcing Season 2: Reclaim Your Magic

spiritual woman collage for reclaim your magic



Season 2: Reclaim Your Magic

Welcome to Season 2: Reclaim Your Magic! After much inner work, season 2 celebrates a new clarity and expansion into how I’m here to serve you. Join me in a frequency that is all about remembering the depth of who you truly are.

Connect with Abigail:
Join the Facebook group: Heart Space Healing for Spiritual Seekers
Instagram @yourmindbodyfree
TikTok @yourmindbodyfree

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Full Show Transcript

00:00:00 – 00:00:30

Hello and welcome to the Mind Body Free Podcast. I am your host, Abigail Moss. I’m a shaman. I’m here to awaken the healers to not simply teach you, but to bring you home to your own divinity, nature and spirit, so that you may remember the depths of your own being, power and purpose, and embody your original medicine in all that you do.

00:00:31 – 00:00:46

This work is not for the faint of heart, but for the driven seeker will not quit until they find what calls them. This is for those who are ready to step into their power, even though it fucking terrifies them.

00:00:47 – 00:01:31

This is for the medicine women, the lightworkers and the weary souls who’ve lived countless lifetimes. This is a path to mend your deepest of wounds, to remember the innocence of your nature. This is a way of embodiment, integrity and awakening. It is a portal back to your soul and a bridge between worlds. This is where we reclaim our magic, our birthright, and our true being. A magic that was hidden for centuries by religion, madness and fear.

00:01:32 – 00:02:05

It is a power that stirs in our wombs. And a knowing whispered by our ancestors is a song sung by the universe. It is our birthright, our divinity and our being. We are here to remember it. Embody it. To return it to the world from which it was hidden. Welcome. This is season two. Reclaim your Magic.

00:02:11 – 00:03:14

Welcome. Welcome. This is the first episode of season two, and I wanted to create a new season to. Capture a new essence. Reclaim Your Magic is about exactly that. I’m going to be focusing on helping healers and light workers and coaches, highly sensitive people, empaths, everyone who feels a calling to something more. And here to hold the frequency with you. I’m here to be a witness of your divinity. I’m here to stand in my integrity and my authenticity with you. And I’m here to do it imperfectly. To continue showing up. But to come back again and again because. It is my purpose and my calling. And I’m here to stand for yours.

00:03:15 – 00:04:01

I’m here to stand for Mother Earth and all her inhabitants. Because when each of us wakes up to our own true divinity and our true nature and our purpose. We’re helping not just ourselves, but all of the lives we touch. And that is everyone here. All that we do creates a ripple that moves out into the world and to the collective consciousness and to the energetic field. And those ripples affect our thoughts and our feelings and our actions. And it’s felt by Mother Earth and all her inhabitants. So we’re all in it together. And I’m in it with you.

00:04:03 – 00:04:40

In this episode, I’m going to be sharing a bit about what is inspired me for this new season. And some of the journey that I’ve been going through, my inner journey of transformation. And a lot of it has been catalyzed by physical health issues. And this is not uncommon for growth to be activated through the portal of suffering. And it’s not that we need suffering to grow as a belief that if you have, I highly encourage letting go of.

00:04:41 – 00:05:49

But it is been how it’s often done, because otherwise we get distracted and we get caught up in the dogma, in the popular memes, in the things that we’re told to strive for. But when something is painful or feels wrong, that causes us to dig deeper, to go into those uncomfortable or dark places. And from those places alkalis that pain into strength and. Acts as a deeper depth of ourselves. So for me, I’ve been dealing with health issues in my body for the last few years, and as I work through them, I’ve been doing a lot of physical healing, emotional and spiritual healing. And they are all connected. You can’t have one that doesn’t affect the other. Your physical body is inside of your emotional body, which is inside of your spiritual body. They are all interconnected.

00:05:51 – 00:06:54

So you address one, the other stuff’s going to come up to. And as I’ve been working on the physical healing. I’ve reached plateaus many times, and each time it was because I needed to unwind an emotional, energetic, not a past karma or belief and release that from my body, my energetic field, and from my spirit. And part of my practice lately has been going to yin and restorative hot yoga. Something that I’m releasing is chronic fatigue. So I’ve been doing more gentle exercise. But when I go and drop into hot yoga, the restorative, the yin, the lying down relaxing kind, when I drop into there, I go into that dark room. I hear that music, I smell the essential oils. I lie down on my mat and I drop quickly into a visionary journey.

00:06:55 – 00:07:58

And as I’m in this space where I feel held, opening my body, I’m brought into these spiritual, visionary shamanic journeys through past lifetimes, through learning and healing aspects of myself from other lifetimes. I’m dropping into these journeys of uniting these different parts of my being into one of healing all of these traumas that I’ve been through and reconnecting what has been severed. When I drop into these places, there is no past or present. It’s all happening and existing at once. And I know that time is part of the physical world, space and time. It’s how we navigate this physical world. But it is not part of the world of spirit.

00:07:59 – 00:08:32

When I drop into that world, I’m realizing that as I’m going back to connect with and heal and learn from and part of me in another lifetime. I’m realizing that they’re doing the work to connect with me from what is their future? A lifetime. Realizing that it’s all happening at once, that my soul is breast through all of these different lives. And as I’m going back and forward through what could be perceived as time.

00:08:32 – 00:09:50

It’s like I am weaving my spirit back together and as I do this, I’m meeting so many incredible guides and healers and being some are other versions of me and some are entirely different beings. And one of the last images I had, it was reminded me of a scene from Avatar. We were coming together and we were all sitting around a giant, magnificent tree made with light. With branches and roots that curl all around us and roots that go into the earth and connected all of me into one single being. And it was a great healing and wise tree. And it makes me think of Brazil, the tree that Odin sacrificed himself to, to create the runes, to bring knowledge and wisdom into the world is a tree that I see as a portal where souls come through. And is a tree that unifies me and my being my soul. And I don’t know its role beyond that, but I know my experience with it.

00:09:51 – 00:11:02

As I drop into these journeys, they are profound and emotional and illuminating. I go to other times and places. I went to one where I was an asetic devoted to grace, and I chose suffering intentionally as my entry point to that place. Choosing to raise my arm up and keep it up. I lived by a beautiful river under a tree. And I would bathe in that river and look up at the sun. And feel the earth around me. And the trees and the grass. And the other devotees that live nearby and held the frequency with me. And I would feel such a grace, just a presence of love and devotion for existence and for being. There are no words to express this feeling. But what I can say is I’m incredibly grateful to experience it both then and again now through the great tree that I’m going to call it.

00:11:02 – 00:11:51

So through my intention, through my shamanic work for the support of other practitioners who brought me to this moment of remembering myself as a soul in this lifetime, remembering myself as a soul through many lifetimes. And I’ve been forward and back very, very far. Remember my first wound to my spirit on earth when I realized the pain I was inflicting on another by taking their life, even though that life was an animal and my food. It was a moment of heartbreak and empathy. And I followed my life, followed my soul throughout many lifetimes forward and the many hard lessons learned over that time.

00:11:52 – 00:12:46

And while I still forget wisdom and things I’ve learned in this life. Coming back to that, knowing that richness and remembering. Something I am endlessly grateful for. For. I’m here now. I have been and I will be. It is my soul experiencing life, and I believe that it is that for each of us and our own way and our own path. And yet we forget the depths of our own being As we are here. We forget our interconnectedness of everything. And this holds a veil of illusion and confusion over our eyes and causes us to feel alone and scared and separate.

00:12:46 – 00:13:32

I’m here to hold a candle to your own wisdom and truth. I’m here to practice holding the frequency of truth and magic and love and the willingness to do it imperfectly. I’m here for the seekers who are searching. Find an answer to that calling in their soul that begs them to not give up until they find what it is they’re looking for. I’m here for the sensitive souls who feel so much, who feel so deeply. You feel beaten down and overwhelmed and heartbroken by life. By the harshness of this world.

00:13:32 – 00:14:29

I’m here to let you know that. You’re not alone. You’re not weak and you’re not broken. You are a gift. You have within you an innate ability to feel deeply. What is feel and sense? The subtle. This makes you an innately gifted healer, leader and creative. And I’m here to share a voice that I’ve neglected for some time, and that’s my authentic voice. You see, when we get caught up in confusion and comparison. You’d be hard to even know what that voice sounds like and not realize when you’re not sharing it. Until you step back into and connection with your deeper self.

00:14:29 – 00:15:13

So this is my authentic voice. My dear, that I am grateful to share energy with you, that I am humbled by the divinity within you, that I am at peace with all that is in this moment. It is nothing that will happen once one thing is achieved. It is here and now, in this moment. It is a state of being. I connectedness. And while I will move about my day and drop into other states and that are more of the mind, I will be here now with my candle lit next to me. Feeling this energy running through my body and my heart.

00:15:14 – 00:15:58

I’d like to allow some of my guys to speak now. Autumn. Share a message with you. But they want you to know at this time in the world, this is a time of great change, as you know, and see and feel. And these times are calling you to step back into your authenticity, into your true self. They are inviting you to drop the veil. And they’re doing it for suffering. This is the feedback that we are getting as the energy on the planet increases and what we could once do that was out of alignment we can no longer tolerate.

00:16:00 – 00:17:58

And so if we fight this shift, if we fight this increase in energy, in this intensity. It’s just going to create more suffering. What we’re being invited to do. Is. Listen. Listen to our bodies. Listen to our intuition. And listen to Spirit. And if you don’t know how to do that, that’s okay. Simply your intention. Is the first step. It is always with a decision that change happens. It is with a decision, the willingness to feel our body, to breathe deeply, to feel our emotions. To break the patterns and habits that haven’t been serving us to allow ourselves to be uncomfortable with the unfamiliar with the different. So that we may step out of the familiar, painful patterns that have been holding us back. And with this decision, it takes incredible faith because you don’t yet know all the magic that lies ahead for you. But, honey, if you did, you would jump in. In a heartbeat because it is the metamorphosis process. And as we burn away the parts of our past selves, it is fucking uncomfortable. It is at times scary and painful, but with your willingness. With your decision to not give up, you will find yourself.

00:17:58 – 00:18:52

You will find the answer to what calls you. You will embody the medicine that is within you that begs to be set free and serve the world. Thank you for being here with me. I want you to know that no matter where you are in your journey, no matter what you’ve been through, I hold space for you. I feel you. I see you. And I love you. You’re not alone. Even when it feels like you are. The voices that are unkind are not your true voice. You can tell them to fuck right off. Send them into the light and claim your space and your magic and your peace that is your birthright.

00:18:52 – 00:19:55

I’m here to hold the frequency with you, like a muscle. It is practice of coming back to remembering your own truth and holding that frequency. I’m going to do it with the support of my guides who held that frequency for me. My guides who hold the frequency and the initiation of our students. My guides who hold the magic in the ancient wisdom days long, long past. Hold the compassion and the forgiveness that we believe we need. Even though we are innocent. It was with the many light beings. I’m graced to work with and feel and experience their love. That I stand with you here today in service.

00:19:57 – 00:21:04

May we all reclaim our magic and share our medicine with the world. Thank you for listening. I’m Abigail Moss. If you’d like to learn more about me, you can find me at mind Body free on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok at you or my Body Free Future episodes. You will find more interviews with healers and leaders and more messages and more channeled messages from me and from my guides. If you have any feedback or questions, reach out to me. Send me a DM. And if you feel the resonance of this, if this frequency is something that you want, support and holding, then check back again next week and I’ll be here. If you know someone who you feel needs to hear and feel this, please share it with them. And if you feel called to leave a review on iTunes to help get this light out more into the world. Thank you for listening from my heart to yours.

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25- Rosa Shetty

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Rosa Shetty, LCSW

In episode 25 of the Mind Body Free Podcast, Rosa Shetty, LCSW shares the science of trauma healing as well as her personal experience with ancestral healing.

Contact Rosa:
IG @rosashetty
Tiktok @rosashettylcsw

Contact Abigail:
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Full Show Transcript

Abby (00:00:00) Hello and welcome to the Mind Body Free Podcast. I am your host, Abigail Moss and today I am with the lovely Rosa Shetty. Rosa is a licensed clinical social worker and mental health therapist from Los Angeles, California. She has over 15 years of clinical experience helping adults heal from childhood trauma and generational and ancestral trauma. Rosa is also the host of the Inner Healing Paths podcast and develops workshops on healing from trauma and generational wounds. In the healing work she offers, Rosa intertwines inner child healing, ancestral reconnection, and spirituality with the latest research-based therapy. Thank you for being here, Rosa. Such an honor and treat.

Rosa (00:00:46) Thank you, Abigail, for inviting me.

Abby (00:00:49) My pleasure. And I love how much experience you have in this and clinical mental health. So can you tell me a bit about what is the differentiation on the clinical side of it? How does that work?

Rosa (00:01:02) So it has to do more with the specific approaches that we use to help folks recover from trauma. We incorporate a lot of brain science understanding and get a better sense of what the brain goes through and what the nervous system goes through. So folks can mean in the session, we provide that information. That’s part of the conversation. It’s part of education. In addition to the processing and the traditional psychotherapy techniques that we use and specifically for trauma, there is a lot of research or evidence-based practices to help folks recover from traumatic events, meaning to help the brain integrate these experiences, these traumas in the story or the sequence of other lives.

Rosa (00:01:57) When it comes to trauma. Trauma, I like to say it’s like a loose page of a book and the traumatic event is like this loose page that is just floating in the book. It represents your life. So our brain doesn’t quite know what to do with especially those events that leave us completely overwhelmed. Our brain doesn’t know how to deal with it or at least certain experiences our brain may not know. So the process of traumatization is like that loose page. So when, when we work through our traumatic memories, when we heal, or when we seek therapy for this, it’s like we’re stitching back this loose page into literally stitching into the sequence.

Rosa (00:02:43) And so you can have more of a cohesive narrative of your life so your brain can make sense of what happened and it can be part of your story. Not, not, not something you constantly triggered. Some people dissociate. Some people just have a really hard time with relationships and it can cause it just affects many areas of your life. So that’s what when we mean in a clinical sense, we’re working through those traumatic memories.

Abby (00:03:16) Love that. Thank you. I love the blend of, like, evidence-based. These works are what we’re going to do. That’s, you know, the proven techniques that work with brain science. Do you? I feel that when someone can explain to me the science of what’s happening in my brain, it opens up this grounded perspective of, oh, okay, so this is normal. And here’s the next step to shifting this.

Rosa (00:03:47) Absolutely

Abby(00:03:48) Yeah. And do you find that like when you were explaining brain science to people, what kind of reactions do you get? Is it like, have people heard of these things before? Because I feel like brain science and trauma are not something that we all know a whole bunch.

Rosa (00:04:05) About, right? Yeah. And when it comes to the psychoeducation part, which is explaining what happens in the brain in very simple terms, because I’m not a neuroscientist. So the way I understand it is also in very simple terms, and that’s how I explain it. So when that explanation is provided, depending on the situation, depending on the context of what we’re discussing, there is their compassion that that is allowed there is a cognitive understanding of what happened. And interestingly enough, in a lot of these therapy modalities, psychoeducation is part of the healing journey and is a component that helps your journey.

Rosa (00:04:56) So learning about this is important. And usually, before I know we’re jumping into this topic, but when we’re starting, when we work through traumatic memories, we don’t start working on any traumatic memories until there is an understanding of what happens in the brain. What happened to you? What must have been like for that five-year-old or six-year-old from a nervous system perspective, what was going on in the brain? So there needs to be that that’s it’s foundational it’s a block foundational block that needs to be that is very much part of the healing journey. Yeah.

Abby (00:05:38) That’s beautiful. I love that. I’m all about giving people foundational blocks. It’s so empowering.

Rosa (00:05:45) Yeah, absolutely.

Abby (00:05:46) And. Yeah. And so do you refer back to that science as you’re going through that journey? Because you mentioned, you know, it’s like this is step one as we learn what’s going on in the brain and the nervous system. And would you mind like I don’t know if it’s possible to do like a high-level view of what happens in our brain, in our nervous system when we go through trauma and as we’re healing? How does that change your time?

Rosa (00:06:16) Yeah. So, you know, trauma by definition is when our nervous system, our brain is completely overwhelmed. So our normal way of functioning is just thrown out. It’s completely out of the frontal part of our brain, which is a part that is in charge of making decisions and is the part that we were when we’re in a place where we feel safe and at ease, that’s active, that’s when we experience trauma. That part goes offline. And what kicks in is the animal, the primitive or animal responses. And I’m sure you’ve heard of the fight or flight response. There’s when it comes to trauma, there’s also fighter flight. And there’s also the submission that there are some animals in the wild.

Rosa (00:07:11) They pretend to be dead. Right? They bring death. That’s a response. So when we go through a traumatic event, those are the responses that kick in. That’s the part of a brain that is active. And depending on the context of the situation, not every situation that we may perceive as traumatic is traumatizing to the brain because it depends on the resources that that person already had in their environment. It depends on the relationships. It depends on how long the extent of the trauma is. Was it a single incident or was it a continuation of incidents over years?

Rosa (00:07:57) So there is a great variation in terms of traumatization. It doesn’t look the same for everyone. So that’s why it’s really difficult when people compare experiences. And I went through that and I’m fine, you know, and then someone else is, is, is not given the same circumstance or even the same family, right? Even just a group of siblings. Right. They may have all experienced the same event and one may be deeply impacted for life. And another one may just channel that in a specific way. And so it’s very so trauma is very, very individual. It’s a very individualized response. But more or less, that is by definition, when we say we were traumatized by an animal, the primitive part of our brain kicks in.

Rosa (00:08:58) And that’s how we know we’re in that mode. So that’s more or less what happens. Then there’s more specifically the amygdala is very much involved in regulating the communication between those parts of our brain, the part of our brain that the primitive responses and the frontal part. So when we’re traumatized, the amygdala completely shuts down the communication with the frontal part of our brain. So over time, when we’re working through trauma, we are working with the amygdala. There is a technique that I practice called davening. I don’t know if you’ve heard of it. It involves touch, right?

Rosa (00:09:45) There are three touches, three specific movements, and I’m doing it right now. There’s that with your palms. And then you rub your arms up and down and then on your face, right? So what that is, is they call it the creators of this approach. They call it the CPR for the amygdala. And these touches, for some reason, help the amygdala communicate with the part of your brain that can help you feel at ease, that can help you feel grounded, and that can help you feel safe. When we are triggered, when we are overwhelmed again, even regardless of how long it’s been since the trauma happened, it could be 20, 30, or 40 years. If we’re triggered, we’re back there.

Rosa (00:10:39) Right. So implementing techniques like davening, especially with the guidance of someone that is trained, can be helpful. To re-provide help and rewire the part of those parts of your brain so there can be that communication. So your primitive brain doesn’t completely hijack you in those moments when it’s not appropriate or you’re 30 years ago something happened and now you’re at work and you have a terrible boss and you can’t deal with this boss. And as a grown-up, because you’re back there. Right, 34 years ago. So this is so when we implement healing or healing or trauma healing techniques, that’s really what we’re doing.

Rosa (00:11:29) We’re rewiring these parts of your brain so they can communicate so that the primitive animal responses like fight or flight or submit don’t take over. And or like I said, some people just completely dissociate. They’re no longer in their body. So that’s more or less what we go through in every situation. As I said, it’s different depending on the age and the complexity of what happened to them. And the age is trauma that occurs pre-verbal. Is it manifested a bit differently for those that the trauma occurred a little bit later when they’re when there is cognitive memory?

Rosa (00:12:16) And then again, some people experience trauma at a point where they can’t remember, but they don’t. The brain blocks certain traumatic events. So it is a very so it’s just a very individualized approach. Yeah. Everyone experiences it very differently. Yeah.

Abby (00:12:37) That’s beautiful. I love that and I love that you mentioned that because it’s such an individualized approach comparison. It doesn’t apply at all because we’re all going through such different things. And the way that I experience an event is so different from the way someone else experiences it. And I love that you touch on what is my support? Do I have the resources, the tools to work through it? Do I have the community to help me through it? How long did it last? There are so many factors that can apply. I think it creates a lot of empathy to say, you know, for me to say I don’t know what they went through.

Abby (00:13:20) I don’t know what it was like for them to go through that. So there’s no way that I could say, Oh, I went through something like that. They should be okay or right, you know, I should be okay by now. There’s no should. This is what happened. This is where we are now. I think it creates a lot of compassion for each other as well as ourselves. Like this is where I’m at and that’s okay.

Rosa (00:13:40) Yeah, absolutely. And you know, it’s also a journey. You know, it’s also very much a journey because I knew that just from my own life, just some of the things that I went through, I was quote-unquote, okay, I was fine for a few years. And then a breakup happened. And then that brought to the surface things that I had not addressed from childhood when I became a mom. You know, two years ago I had a baby. And that brought up more stuff than the surface things that I had not even considered, as you know, that would come up. And they came up and I had to work through that and I’m still working through that. So I feel that sometimes we work through our difficulties as best as we can, depending on our resources and the support.

Rosa (00:14:29)
Rosa: And then and then we’re okay. We’re, you know, we feel great or we feel like, okay, I feel like I got a good handle on my triggers. I feel like I’ve worked through some of my childhood difficulties and then a life event happens, right? A change in a boss. Like I said, for some reason, a lot of folks that I see come in because there’s a lot of it’s a window, right? It’s an entryway to heal. And for some reason, being in the workplace, a difficult boss, being in that power dynamic is so triggering for so many people. And I don’t know, for some reason that’s the doorway. That’s the doorway to work through. And that may not even be the reason. Working under childhood difficulties is not even the reason why they’re coming in.

Rosa (00:15:21) They’re coming in because they are overwhelmed, and stressed with work. They feel like they can’t work. They can’t continue. And it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Right underneath is all of the trauma that they experience. And somehow this person, this boss, is reminding their nervous system of what has happened. Because the body or nervous system doesn’t pick up on it. It’s not a rational process. This is a boss. This is not so-and-so from 20, 30 years ago. Our body just responds to the trigger that feels familiar.

Abby (00:16:03) Yeah. And I love that you call it a doorway. I see it that way, too. It’s like this trigger is an entry point to healing, something that’s very likely been there for a very long time. And in that healing, it’s kind of like a reclamation of a part of yourself. It’s like this is an opportunity to let go of something and become lighter at the moment. It sucks and doesn’t feel that way at all. Right.

Rosa (00:16:27) Right, right.

Abby (00:16:28) But when you do the work with someone like you when you are willing to go into those places of discomfort in a supported way, then it is a place that you can move through and just become so much stronger and happier.

Rosa (00:16:44) Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Absolutely. And, you know, I think for a lot of folks, a lot of times is bringing in compassion, bringing and understanding for self, for those wounded parts. And that’s when the concept of the inner child is so powerful and becomes very powerful. Because when we use that as a way to connect with those wounded parts because we know when we’re talking about connecting with the wounded parts, that can be scary. Most people do not want to revisit those parts from the past. But when we bring in the element of an inner child, it helps folks conceptualize their trauma in a way that is more gentle and in a more compassionate way.

Rosa (00:17:41) And again, using the doorway analogy, it becomes an entryway also for other healing. And it becomes a very powerful visual to connect with that part within themselves that needs that compassion, that needs that healing and the sense of safety. So sometimes that, that, ah, the parental instinct kicks in and we want to protect and we want to help and we want to and we just naturally a lot, you know, a lot of folks are just naturally compassionate towards a child. Right. And so when we conceptualize that within ourselves, it just makes it so much easier to work through those very, very difficult wounded parts within us.

Abby (00:18:31) Yeah, 100%. I love inner child work and something that my husband and I see in this phenomenal couples therapist and that she says is, you know, the parent is the compassionate one. The inner child is the one that needs the love. But when we stand in our adult self, then compassion comes. And of course, we want to take care of this younger part of us that’s hurting or wants to feel loved or safe or supported in some way. It just becomes natural and being able to put a face to it and engage and interact with that part of ourselves, it’s so freeing. It’s where it gives so much insight and understanding into Why am I just so angry? It’s like, Oh, what’s behind that anger? Oh, maybe there’s, you know, a sad child behind that anger. What does she need or what does she need?

Rosa (00:19:26) Yeah, absolutely. And it’s just amazing. Just when we shift our attention, or I should say, when the intention is to connect with our inner child. And it’s amazing what comes up. And the insight that we immediately receive is almost like we get these downloads because we do hold so much compassion and healing energy within us. So when we can intentionally connect those to the compassion, the healing energy that we have with our inner child, we not just heal, but we also gain an understanding. And we were able to just make sense. And sometimes our brain just takes us to a time in our life we had not even connected a present event with a memory from childhood.

Rosa (00:20:25) And when we set that intention to connect with our inner child, our brain will just take us there. It’s just amazing how that works. And suddenly we’re there and we have a memory of being three or four, whatever, whatever the age and we get it. We’re like, okay, that makes sense. Why is this so hard? So it’s triggering for me now.

Abby (00:20:47) Yeah. So freeing to understand that that’s you know, for me I’ve been in places where I’ve been angry and then angry at myself for being angry because why? Why am I acting this way? I shouldn’t feel this way. And then to be able to go back to that part of my younger self. Just understanding. I feel like compassion comes as the confusion goes away. And then there’s this. Then there’s the opportunity to reclaim that part of herself because it’s like that part of us was kind of trapped at that age when that trauma happened.

Abby (00:21:19) Like in shamanic healing, we call an inner child a form of soul retrieval. It’s like reclaiming a part of ourselves that got splintered off and stuck in time. And when there’s that reunion with that part of ourselves, when that healing happens, it feels like just becoming filled with love, becoming filled up with you again. And it’s such an incredible experience to feel that.

Rosa (00:21:42) Yeah, absolutely. And I feel that just being able to read, it’s almost like you give yourself your past self, you’re a second chance. And it’s almost like a rebirth in a way, right? You’re able to redo what maybe your parents weren’t able to do for you or you’re able to give yourself what you weren’t able to receive back then. So it becomes like a second chance, right, to start over, you know? And it’s just such a beautiful experience. I’ve done shamanic healing for myself and inevitably it always, you know, I tend to go back to just naturally, even when I’m not in the same therapy. Every now I’m doing more of the spiritual healing work for myself in my mind just takes me there, right? And it automatically just, I go to a different time and to be able to, to see yourself in that time.

Rosa (00:22:50) And it’s just such a beautiful experience. I know the last opportunity I had to do that, to do this soul retrieval exercise was a couple of years ago. And I forgot what I was working through. But it was for me. What was amazing is that when I did this journey, it took me back to being like in my twenties, in this specific house that I was living in at that time. And there was a part of my soul that was there in that house and journey through that, and seeing that space and seeing every corner of almost even just being able to to take a tour of that house as me now. But seeing myself there was just that in and of itself.

Rosa (00:23:46) And I know the guide was just asking me to just call back that part because I need that part here now. You know, I can’t stay in my twenties in that house. I need it now. And so being able to call back that, that, that part of my early twenties that was stuck in that house was so healing for me. And, and I mean, I know it didn’t take that long. It wasn’t a very long exercise, but it was so powerful. But again, it’s allowing yourself to redo, you know, it’s like giving yourself a second chance and being that companion for yourself in therapy, you know, you have a guide and you know, when you’re doing some shamanic healing, you also have a guide.

Rosa (00:24:34) That is critical to not feel alone because so much of the trauma that we experience happens in isolation. It happens a lot. For a lot of folks, the actual process of traumatization has to do with being completely alone. Whether you feel alone or you’re alone with no way to escape or no chance of getting help in that situation, no choice in the matter because you’re just there alone. So that becomes a huge component of healing, is to feel like your companion for that little one within you or to allow for some for someone else, a healer or a therapist or a shamanic or shaman. Right? That would be the term shaman to guide you, right?

Rosa (00:25:35) To guide, to be with you in a relationship in those moments that you’re revisiting. And so you don’t feel alone. And the beautiful thing about it is that your nervous system responds to that, our body responds to that. And that’s what starts changing these neural pathways in our brain that let us know that we are safe. We are okay. We’re not alone. And we have a choice. Right. So the choice is the second component of trauma. It happens in isolation and then it happens. And we don’t have a choice. We’re stuck. We have to take it for our survival. So, so, so. Being able to have the choice to go back and heal these parts and be in a relationship either within ourselves.

Rosa (00:26:29) Right. As I am the older one now going back and more in that parental role to our inner child or allowing our the guide, the therapist or the healer to guide us through that. These two components are just so, so powerful for our brain, our nervous system, for our spirit.

Abby (00:26:48) Yeah. Absolutely. It’s incredible. And I love that. It’s like we kind of become when we go back as an adult to revisit the inner child, it’s like we become the healer for ourselves. And we realize from a time that we may have felt so helpless that we become so empowered, we realize how strong we are to be able to heal this stuff, especially with the support of a guide. And you had to do work with generational trauma as well. So this stuff that we come into the world with isn’t, doesn’t necessarily start with us.

Rosa (00:27:21) No, it’s yeah, rarely. It rarely does. So one of the things that I learned very, very early on in my career, when I started my career working in I was doing child abuse investigations. I was a social worker for the Department of Children Services, Children Family Services here in California and Southern California. And so I was going out there and doing investigations of neglect, physical, sexual abuse, everything. And I was young. I was in my twenties. As I said, it was a very challenging part of my life. But it was also more of a calling, I felt and I don’t know if it was more of this, the soul, you know, I went off course, I, I think anyone that goes into this field, they go into for a reason, right?

Rosa (00:28:15) So I went through it because I was trying to unconsciously heal a lot of what I had experienced and maybe even from a past life, maybe from my family. But here I was being very young and helping or doing these investigations. But what was frustrating about it is that for a lot of these children that were now being the victims of X, Y, and Z abuse or neglect, their parents were also victims and it was generations. I remember the specific part that we were working through as it’s a small desert community here in California and it’s a very, very small community. And the families were already known to the system. It was like, Oh if you had been in the department long enough, you likely knew the parent or the grandparent, and then you.

Rosa (00:29:11) So it’s like that you get to see like three generations of this. So that’s a very direct way, right? It’s very generational trauma. There are also more subtle ones or there are those that we don’t talk about, those silent memories that we don’t quite know what happened. But especially if you’re intuitive or you’re an impact, you have a sense almost as if you’ve always had a sense of a specific situation, even though you’ve never experienced it. And then when you investigate, when you find out, you realize that your grandma or your grandpa or whoever or your parents went through something like you had experienced.

Rosa (00:29:56) For example, for a long time, especially when I was young, I think it was like during my teen years, I started getting worried about public transportation and I was afraid of getting into a taxicab. I was super scared of any of that. And later, as an adult, like just with like two or three years ago, I found out what happened to two generations of women, meaning I starting from my great grandmother to my grandma, you know, in public transportation, like they’ve all experienced some house, some type of trauma in public transportation, in a taxi, in a bus. So and so it was I had never heard those stories, you know, when I was I but I just started having this fear. And when I was pregnant, again, these irrational fears started coming through for me.

Rosa (00:31:00) And I know, of course, when you’re pregnant, everything is related to the pregnancy and hormones. And I’m sure it was also related to that. But there was also this element of like I’m like my life is in danger. Like my baby’s life is in danger. And I’m, you know, thankfully, thank God I was healthy, baby. Healthy consistently throughout. There were no issues in that regard. It was just an irrational fear that I had. And that prompted me to want to find out more about my grandmother’s pregnancies, my mom’s pregnancies with me, and with my siblings. And and and finding and finding out. Stuff happened to them too. So it was those connections. Sometimes the generational traumas get transferred through silent memories that we experience.

Rosa (00:31:56) And we don’t know what I mean. I am lucky that I’m able to find out, to have the awareness of asking and with that intention of piecing together these, these, these parts of my history. But so many of us just go through life without that awareness. So it’s really important and especially when it comes to irrational fears, when it comes to sudden, especially sudden phobias, too. To find out if you’re if you have parents or grandparents around you to ask those questions. Because you know from just my personal life, I was shocked to find out the direct connection of the fears that I was having.

Abby (00:32:46) Yeah. Yeah, it’s incredible. I love the term silent memories and yeah, what a gift to be able to find out where that was coming from. When you found that out, did it make it easier to work through that fear?

Rosa (00:33:00) Yeah. You know, when I found out about what was going on with my pregnancy and it’s a trauma story that is that didn’t happen to me. You know it was something that I was experiencing or intuiting because I’m an empath and I think you and I have talked about this. So I think I was just intuiting this at that level. And it’s a story that doesn’t belong to me. So out of privacy for that person, I’m I don’t I’m not going to share it. But what I can tell you is that once I found out what happened, it was like it was pretty overwhelming for me. And at that time, I was working as a therapist for myself. I was just continuing my work, my healing journey.

Rosa (00:33:52) And when that happened, I remember that thankfully, I have someone to process this with to make sense of this in the context of my history, my reactions, and traumas. And I was able to, as I said at the beginning of the podcast, stitch those pages back into this, this narrative of my life. And even though it didn’t happen to me, it is part of my history because it’s my lineage, it’s where I come from. And for me, it helped to make sense. But I think it was a good week or two where I was pretty impacted by this. You know, it was almost as if I was working through personal trauma, even though it didn’t happen to me, I was very much responding and integrating this.

Rosa (00:34:49) I think my brain, my nervous system was trying to make sense of this the same way I would if it had happened. So it was a very real, very, very difficult experience. But thankfully, I have had support. It happened in my thirties. I have a lot of resources available to me and I was able to work through them. It did take me a few weeks to come to terms with that. But I feel, again, going back to that analogy, I was able to just integrate that as part of my history. Integrate that page. That was a page of my book.

Abby (00:35:27) Yeah, that’s beautiful. Yeah, it’s almost like the term kind of acknowledgment and honor comes to mind. It’s like, oh, okay, this. I’ve witnessed this.

Rosa (00:35:36) Yeah.

Abby (00:35:37) So, yeah. Yeah. Beautiful. And it makes me think of your know-how. In different cultures and different things, we’ve been through. Like, did my ancestors live through a famine or, you know, a massive recession? I mean, we think about, you know, feelings of money scarcity or food scarcity or just scarcity, period. Like that stuff just goes so far back. And it’s I kind of see it as we heal the stuff inside ourselves, we’re healing the stuff throughout the whole lineage for all those who come after us. And that’s beautiful work that you’re doing for your child. And in doing this in our work yourself.

Rosa (00:36:19) Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And I think since becoming a mom, that has been a huge part of my motivation and my intention now for my healing is because, you know, if we don’t work through these difficulties, inevitably, you know, the energy, the legacy of these trauma wounds do get passed on. There’s an energy component to this. And so I intend to heal and to integrate this into my own life experience for the rest of my life. Because really, when they’re starting trauma that you can work through. But there are other things that you mentioned, these other generational or ancestral trauma that may take us a very long time to work through or to even understand. Right.

Rosa (00:37:09) So I know for me, it’s going to be a lifelong journey of just improving myself. Not so, you know, the way I see it is I’m working through these generational wounds and ancestral wounds and just what I went through in my own life. But I see it as an ongoing process of just bettering and just improving myself, my mental health, my physical health, and my spiritual health for me and my daughter, you know, for me and my for my also for my, my, my mom, my sister. You know, since I started this journey of healing, there’s been a lot of healing that has happened naturally without me necessarily or without them sorry, doing anything, or me saying anything to them.

Rosa (00:37:56) I’ve just noticed some shifts in there, in their own individual lives that, that, that, that shows that they’re working through their difficulties, their wounds. And I think that’s a beautiful thing because that’s what happens, right, is we’re all connected. So when one heals or improves, inevitably those close to us will also receive that ripple effect, because we’re all connected, especially with our close family. It’s going to be received. It’s going to be impacted also. Yeah.

Abby (00:38:33). And I love that you mentioned that. I think a lesson for me is, you know, instead of being the one who wants to heal my family, heal my parents, you know, make everything okay, make it all better, take their pain away for them, which I can’t do. I can just duplicate hearing it, but instead, be that step into integrating myself and embodying that. And then naturally people see and it’s an invitation to do their work if they call too. But also in the subtle, I know you mentioned being empathic and working with the energy of it. They feel that too. It’s like it’s a little lighter in that whole generational line, just kind of things.

Rosa (00:39:15) Lighten up. Yeah, absolutely. Or they reconnect with their voice, for example. Or they reconnect with something that they love to do as a child. And somehow that gives them so much joy at this point in there, you know, so, so and so. For example, for my mom, one of the things that started happening a few years ago is that she started connecting with, well, my mom has always loved plants, but what happened a few years ago is that she started using plants to help people around her get better. And then she wrote this little book. It’s not published. It’s just like for us, for the family. She put it all together in writing and she emailed it to all of us. And it’s like 30 pages, I don’t know. Like it’s a lot of pages of all her healing, all her healing and remedies, and herbs that she uses. And she did that all on her own.

Rosa (00:40:13) And I was just so fascinated by that process as she was and I was supporting her and me without telling her. I think this is healing. I think this is going to be I didn’t say any of that. I didn’t say anything about our family and our lineage or generational wisdom. Nothing. And I was just encouraging like, I love this. Thank you for sharing this. And she found so much joy and so much pride in putting this together for all of us. That was healing for her. And that hadn’t. That I had nothing. To do with anything I share. I think she saw there was a period where I was also really into the plant and I was planting things and that kind of prompted her idea. And so you just never know what’s what, how you can inspire those around you, and even beyond that. Right. Because I’m sure some people have benefited from her healing that I don’t even know about, but you just never know how you can just start that process for yourself, most importantly. And then inevitably, because it’s energy all it’s all energy, it’s going to be received by those near and close to us.

Abby (00:41:23) That’s so beautiful. I love that she just took it upon herself to create this. And I see that being healing for her. And also just this transfer of knowledge to what a gift to your family to bring.

Rosa (00:41:37) Yeah. Absolutely. I feel that it was all because my grandma is no longer here. She passed away 15 years ago, but when she passed away, a lot of that knowledge was gone because at that time, no one was not in that mindset, you know, to pass on anything, you know, for her, it was just survival. So there was none of that. And then when my mom was putting together these remedies, she was remembering a lot of her mom’s remedies and what her mom used to do. And, you know, and so I think the way I like to see it is that we go through that process. My grandmother was also being given that healing giving her legacy was. On. So there’s an ambulance outside.

Abby (00:42:36) That’s okay. Life happens around. Yeah.

Rosa (00:42:40) So it was. So through that, we. I feel that you know, a generation before and generations after, you can now have this opportunity to heal and integrate this wisdom. Right. And, yeah.

Abby (00:42:56) That’s beautiful. And it’s something that it’s so good to be aware of, too, because we talk about ancestral trauma, but there’s also ancestral wisdom. And to feel that wisdom of all those that came before us and that used to be really common practice in more indigenous cultures before colonialism. This knowledge we get passed down from generation to generation, and that got interrupted right through the process of colonialism. So to like you said, she remembered and it’s this beautiful remembering. And you know what? From her mother and that was part of her mother’s remembering from her. So it’s beautiful to see. I kind of picture that as like an opening up and this healing that’s able to flow through the line again.

Rosa (00:43:40) Oh, yes.

Abby (00:43:41) Wisdom that wants to come through.

Rosa (00:43:42) Yeah, absolutely. I know where we’re running out of time, but one of the things that it was it was such an amazing time because I honestly feel that my mom, my grandma was wanting this to happen. I feel that she was so happy to see that we were having this intention to reclaim these healings, these herbs, as, as our wisdom, as to reclaim it and to pass it on. One of the things that started happening to me is that during that time that all this was going on, my mom was writing this. I suddenly started getting things from my grandma. So my grandma passed away. Like I said, many, many years ago, I never received anything from her.

Rosa (00:44:36) She passed away. I was in college and it was just I never really thought of obtaining any of her objects. She had a lot of sayings and a lot of religious items and things that later on in life, I was like, Oh, I wish I would have kept something from her. I wish I would have had something but never did. And then what started happening is that my mom came back one day. She was like, Oh, I found this, this, this statue of, of the Guadalupe Virgen Guadalupe. And I was like, Oh my God, this is my grandmother. She’s like, Yeah, it was a little chipped. And I was like, Oh, it’s, it’s beautiful. And she’s like, Yeah, just clean it up. I know you will like it. My mom doesn’t she doesn’t believe in saints or any of that. She’s a born-again Christian.

Rosa (00:45:26) So she very, very doesn’t like any of that stuff. So she’s like, I know. I knew you would like it. So I wanted to give it to her like, Oh, thank you. Where did you find that? And she’s like, Oh, I was laying, you know, just in the garage, blah, blah. Okay. The fort. Like a couple of weeks later, she came back with like two other items that she found. And then I was like, Why are these things coming to me now? It was like a period of like a month where I got all of these different items that I got her my Bible, and I got all these. I was like, Where is this? I was just so perplexed because all of a sudden this started happening and I was talking to a friend of mine and she’s very spiritual. She channels her spirit guides and in her spirit guides share a lot of information with her about others when, when, and when that is welcomed.

Rosa (00:46:18) So she was telling me from her perspective, what her spirit guys were sharing with her is that these are the items that gave your grandmother strength during the worst times of her life. And she sees what you’re doing for her daughters, for her granddaughters. And this is her way of saying, thank you, I’m tearing up. And this is her way of saying thank you. And I was just very touched, but it didn’t stop there. What she says is she wants you to do one more thing. She wants you to visit your grandfather one one time, one more time. And this is not for you’re not going to do anything. You don’t have to do anything. You don’t have to. My grandfather’s very elderly, but he wasn’t a good man. He was just very, very he was very he didn’t do good things.

Rosa (00:47:19) So I don’t. I didn’t have a relationship with him and I didn’t have a desire to connect with him, even though he’s still alive. And so when this message came through, a girl wanted you to see him one more time. She is well, she has worked through her karmic debt with him. There is nothing that her soul needs from him. They’re done. Their karmic debt has been done. But there is something important with you visiting him that for some somehow it’s at a soul level and that’s all I’m getting. It’s just like there’s a cycle that needs to be completed and this needs to happen. And I was just so torn because I really did not want to see him. And at the same time, I wanted to do this for my grandma. So it took me several months. I think it was like six months or so.

Rosa (00:48:14) But I eventually went out there, I went to visit him and I was back in my grandma’s house. He still lives there and it was a very emotional process. But it was with him, it was fine. There was no it wasn’t as difficult as I thought it was going to be. I was able to just chit-chat with him. He asked me to play two specific songs for him and like I said, he’s very he’s elderly. He doesn’t have conversations now, but he’ll come up with certain things. So he asked me to play these songs from the 1930s. One of them was I Was a Thorn in Your Past. It was a Spanish song, but that’s the name of the title. And he asked me to look it up on YouTube and play it for him. So I looked it up and the music. I don’t know why he asked for this one, but it was a poem of forgiveness, basically saying, I was a thorn in your path. On your path, but I am sorry.

Rosa (00:49:10) So it was a song and he loves the song. And so I took that message. I don’t know, for me from a grandma, I don’t know. But it was there. And then before I left, the person that takes care of him said, Oh, I’ve been keeping this. It’s a set of miniature collections. It’s like I’ve been keeping this miniature collection. It’s like little forest animals and like little things that my grandma kept in a box. It’s like I’ve been keeping this because I thought it was cute. I had it up on a wall, but it doesn’t make any sense. It doesn’t have sentimental value to me. So I want you to have it. And I remember that from that my grandma had this little collection of miniature forest animals. And when I took that, the message I got in the moment, it was like, I just thank you. This was her last gift as a thank you.

Rosa (00:50:07) This is her little, precious little collection of forest animals. And it was her way of saying thank you to me for doing this. One last thing for her and her husband, my grandpa. So it was a full-circle moment for me. It was a process, like I said, of many, many years. And I was able to feel like at that moment I felt done. And weirdly enough, I have not felt my grandma as often as I used to. I have not received any more items from her. My mom and I, of course, still talk about her, but the way it was during those years, it wasn’t. It’s almost like she’s good now. I don’t know how to describe it. I haven’t talked to my friend that did the reading for me at that time. But I felt like there’s a sense of OC. I like she’s done for now at least with this. Yeah.

Rosa (00:51:06) So I just want to share that little story because I felt I’m such a, for me, spirituality and integrating these ancestral memories and ancestral healing components. For me, it’s just part of what I do. So I wanted to share this experience because it gave me so much healing on an emotional, physical and spiritual level. And it’s something that it wasn’t in one sitting. It’s not like I sat and I talked about this and then I knew it was a process, but the key, I think for folks out there listening, is to be able to have that intention of wanting to reconnect and heal from these wounds or things that have. Passed down the lineage. I think it starts with that intention and the awareness that you do have certain things that you want to work through and they didn’t start with you and that they may no longer be here in person, but as energy is spirit form, that may still be very much involved.

Rosa (00:52:07) And we welcome that. It can be such a huge and powerful source for our ongoing healing. It’s a component of our healing as well. It’s healing. Our trauma from the brain perspective is one component, but there’s also the spirit that we have to tend to. And that’s why I wanted to share this story and I hope it resonates.

Abby (00:52:30) That’s so beautiful. Thank you for sharing. I was just feeling so much love around as you’re talking about it. Like around your grandma, your grandfather and and and gratitude, it feels like for you doing that. And how incredible to have that moment with that song to do and to feel and to have that come full circle. Those full circle moments are so heart-expanding and profound. Absolutely beyond words. So.

Rosa (00:53:00) Absolutely, yeah. And my daughter, I took my baby with me. My daughter and my mom were there with me, too. So it was like this generational healing. And we all felt, my mom, mind you, she just didn’t have what I was what I had in mind. Right. My intention was very different. She was just there because she always has a relationship with her father. So she was just visiting him and she was just so happy that I finally agreed to see him. And that sense of giddiness, a sense of joy was felt for my mom. For my mom told me she experienced that for so many days after and same for me so many days after that experience, I still felt that sense of giddiness and joy. It was just so uplifting energetically that we just felt happy for a long time after that, which was also a very, very beautiful reward to experience. Yeah.

Abby (00:53:57) I love that. Thank you so much. Thank you for being here today and doing this work. Your mind, body, and spirit. Yeah. So, Rosa, people want to reach out to you. How can they find you?

Rosa (00:54:07) Yeah. So I’m on Instagram. Of course you can just find me by my name, Rosa Shetty. And I also have a podcast. It’s called Inner Healing Paths. And my podcast is all about just different ways of healing. I interview people. I had you, Abigail. I think you were actually the last episode I uploaded the last one there. Yeah. So I just talk about all things related to healing of the mind, the heart, and the spirit. And I also have a Patreon and we meet once a month and we talk about in a more personal and deeper way about just different healing topics. In June, we’re going to be talking about parenting our inner child, and the patron is for women only. But of course, the podcast is for everybody.

Abby (00:54:53) Yeah, awesome. That’s beautiful. I love it. And we’ll put those all in the show notes as well. Thank you for being here. It has been such a pleasure. So much love to you and all this incredible work that you’re doing in the world.

Rosa (00:55:06)  Thank you. Thank you, Abigail.