My Conversation With a Hawk
What is it actually like to speak with nature?
Animal communication is a language of energy. It’s like opening a window to a big, wild, and alive world and remembering that not only did you come from that world, you are a part of it.
I sat there in the cool grass under the shade of an apple tree, letting my 13 year old dog rest his bones while my younger dog stood her watch. To all our delight, a hawk flew over and landed on a fence near us, beautifully lit by the noon sun. We admired each other for some time, and once I got over my human excitement at seeing a hawk so close up, I decided to connect with him.
I closed my eyes and felt his energy, his wildness. I felt and saw him flying over the prairies and through the forests, hunting and eating his prey. There was a beingness to him that was so interwoven with all of nature. I could feel that to be wild is to be connected to all of it at once. Feeling him now, I started communicating with him in my mind. I said and felt the energy of “hello”. He continued turning his head, looking at me and in all directions around him.
I felt him say “wild”. “Yes”, I said. “You wild”. He then asked me, “you wild?”. “No” I said, “domestic”. “Once wild?” he asked. “Yes, once wild” I replied. I felt him looking at me as he said “remember wild”. “I do” I said, “I remember wild”. And as I said this, I allowed myself to see my ancestors living off the land, hunting, interwoven with all that is, feeling nature all at once both as an individual and as the entirety of it. “Remember wild”, I said again, feeling it now.
“What you now?”, he asked. And I showed him images of my domestic life. Being in my comfortable home, feeling cozy and drinking tea, working on a computer. “What’s that?” I felt him ask as I showed him me working on a computer. “Creating”, I said, as I sent him the knowing and feeling of being a creature who created computers to then create more things with. “You create good?” he asked. “Sometimes”, I replied, as I sensed how I’ve often felt while working on my computer… lost in a task, distracted by the noise of social media. “Confused”, he said. “”Yes, confused I replied”, feeling his understanding of the true reason us domestic creatures only create good “sometimes”.
“Remember wild” he said, “remember wild when creating”. “Yes”, I said, feeling the wisdom of his guidance. Remember that I am a being and at that the same time interwoven with all of nature experiencing itself as one. What an incredible place to create from! What could be possible when creating from this place? I thought. I felt the energy of “thank you” and sent my gratitude to him. I felt him receive it as an acknowledgement; as a witnessing of his wisdom and generosity.
I started to get up and I felt him say “stay a bit longer”. “Ok, I replied”, and enjoyed his presence and the company of my dogs on the cool grass. Eventually, he said “I will share with you my song”. Surprised and delighted, I closed my eyes and felt the song of his soul singing, showing me his essence that felt like rhythms and notes, weaving colors and fractals, feathers and sacred shimmering energy moving in a brilliant pattern and washing over me in a way that can never be expressed with words.
I thanked him, and by his request, I shared my song with him. Experiencing it as if for the first time myself as I felt the energy, rhythm and notes of my soul’s essence wash over him.
“Now we know each other’s songs. Remember.” He said. “Yes, remember.” I said. Then he looked at me more closely as I felt him say “protect”, as his awareness moved with his gaze over the forest next to us. “Protect” I said, understanding his request.
“Ok, that is enough. You go now.” he said, and then immediately flew from where he had been perched for our 20 minute conversation. I laughed at the perfect timing of his message and flight; my mind accepting the realness of our conversation in the sweet release and appreciation of laughter.
➡️ If you feel called to learn the language of energy so you can speak with your body, with animals, and the spirit of all things, then my Medicine Within program may be right for you. Book a free clarity call now to see if we’re a good fit.

Abigail Moss is a healer, teacher and creator of the Medicine Within Method. She helps seekers, healers and coaches embody their authentic selves and share their medicine with the world.
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