How to clear your energy
What does it mean to clear your energy?
The practice of energy clearing is a form of energetic hygiene. It’s something you do at least every day, or better yet multiple times a day to release all energies that do not belong to you, shift any of your energy that has stagnated, and call back any of your energy that had become attached to outside people, places, or things.
For so long, I didn’t think I was a powerful creator. I would often feel frustrated and stuck because outside forces seemed to dictate how I got to live my life.
I didn’t feel like I could have the relationships, wealth, healthy body, or sense of purpose that I wanted. It was like I could only go so far up the mountain and then I would fall back down again.
But in truth?
Everything I experienced was created by the thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that began INSIDE of me.
I WAS a powerful creator, but I was using my creative energy to make more frustration and lack every time that I didn’t think I was capable, worthy, or safe to have the life I wanted.
But over time, I worked with healers, and I worked on myself.
I came to learn that the more powerless you feel to outside circumstances, the more you’ve identified with false beliefs that are not aligned with your true nature.
I say this to in no way minimize the realness of those feelings of lack and struggle, I know that sh!t can be hard.
But no matter how valid those feelings are, the only person they hurt is you.
And the good news? Because the world around you is a reflection of the world inside you, that means that you can change your whole reality by changing your energy and the way you perceive life.
Just like you, your intention is powerful. Your intention guides your focus, and where your focus goes your energy flows.
You have the free will to release all energy that restricts and disrupts you.
You can practice this freedom by using the energy clearing statement that I’m about to give you.
The more you focus your intention, the stronger the energy clearing will be.
And the more you practice energy clearing, the more powerful your intention will become.
Here’s the energy clearing statement:
“I bring my awareness to my 5 bodies (spiritual, energetic, mental, emotional, and physical) and I immediately invite in the highest healing frequencies of the universe.
I command out all excess energies and energies that do not belong to me, and I transmute my stagnant energy into the vibrations of love and oneness.
I immediately call my energy back from all people, situations, and outcomes I might have attached to and receive it back as healed energy. It is immediately done.”
How did it feel to read that? If you feel called to, try it again with even more intention.
Do you want to see what would happen if you used this every day and any time you felt blocked or stuck?
Give it a try. Then message on Instagram and me know how it goes. 💚
P.S. If you’re ready to fully release what’s been blocking you from everything you want and reclaim your whole, authentic self, then click here now to join me in Sacred + Unleashed.
➡️ If you’re ready to fully release what’s been blocking you from everything you want and reclaim your whole, authentic self, then the Medicine Within Academy may be right for you. Book a free clarity call now to see if we’re a good fit.

Abigail Moss is a healer, teacher & creator of the Medicine Within Method. She helps seekers, healers and coaches embody their authentic selves and share their medicine with the world.
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