Season 2: Reclaim Your Magic

Welcome to Season 2: Reclaim Your Magic! After much inner work, season 2 celebrates a new clarity and expansion into how I’m here to serve you. Join me in a frequency that is all about remembering the depth of who you truly are.

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Full Show Transcript

00:00:00 – 00:00:30

Hello and welcome to the Mind Body Free Podcast. I am your host, Abigail Moss. I’m a shaman. I’m here to awaken the healers to not simply teach you, but to bring you home to your own divinity, nature and spirit, so that you may remember the depths of your own being, power and purpose, and embody your original medicine in all that you do.

00:00:31 – 00:00:46

This work is not for the faint of heart, but for the driven seeker will not quit until they find what calls them. This is for those who are ready to step into their power, even though it fucking terrifies them.

00:00:47 – 00:01:31

This is for the medicine women, the lightworkers and the weary souls who’ve lived countless lifetimes. This is a path to mend your deepest of wounds, to remember the innocence of your nature. This is a way of embodiment, integrity and awakening. It is a portal back to your soul and a bridge between worlds. This is where we reclaim our magic, our birthright, and our true being. A magic that was hidden for centuries by religion, madness and fear.

00:01:32 – 00:02:05

It is a power that stirs in our wombs. And a knowing whispered by our ancestors is a song sung by the universe. It is our birthright, our divinity and our being. We are here to remember it. Embody it. To return it to the world from which it was hidden. Welcome. This is season two. Reclaim your Magic.

00:02:11 – 00:03:14

Welcome. Welcome. This is the first episode of season two, and I wanted to create a new season to. Capture a new essence. Reclaim Your Magic is about exactly that. I’m going to be focusing on helping healers and light workers and coaches, highly sensitive people, empaths, everyone who feels a calling to something more. And here to hold the frequency with you. I’m here to be a witness of your divinity. I’m here to stand in my integrity and my authenticity with you. And I’m here to do it imperfectly. To continue showing up. But to come back again and again because. It is my purpose and my calling. And I’m here to stand for yours.

00:03:15 – 00:04:01

I’m here to stand for Mother Earth and all her inhabitants. Because when each of us wakes up to our own true divinity and our true nature and our purpose. We’re helping not just ourselves, but all of the lives we touch. And that is everyone here. All that we do creates a ripple that moves out into the world and to the collective consciousness and to the energetic field. And those ripples affect our thoughts and our feelings and our actions. And it’s felt by Mother Earth and all her inhabitants. So we’re all in it together. And I’m in it with you.

00:04:03 – 00:04:40

In this episode, I’m going to be sharing a bit about what is inspired me for this new season. And some of the journey that I’ve been going through, my inner journey of transformation. And a lot of it has been catalyzed by physical health issues. And this is not uncommon for growth to be activated through the portal of suffering. And it’s not that we need suffering to grow as a belief that if you have, I highly encourage letting go of.

00:04:41 – 00:05:49

But it is been how it’s often done, because otherwise we get distracted and we get caught up in the dogma, in the popular memes, in the things that we’re told to strive for. But when something is painful or feels wrong, that causes us to dig deeper, to go into those uncomfortable or dark places. And from those places alkalis that pain into strength and. Acts as a deeper depth of ourselves. So for me, I’ve been dealing with health issues in my body for the last few years, and as I work through them, I’ve been doing a lot of physical healing, emotional and spiritual healing. And they are all connected. You can’t have one that doesn’t affect the other. Your physical body is inside of your emotional body, which is inside of your spiritual body. They are all interconnected.

00:05:51 – 00:06:54

So you address one, the other stuff’s going to come up to. And as I’ve been working on the physical healing. I’ve reached plateaus many times, and each time it was because I needed to unwind an emotional, energetic, not a past karma or belief and release that from my body, my energetic field, and from my spirit. And part of my practice lately has been going to yin and restorative hot yoga. Something that I’m releasing is chronic fatigue. So I’ve been doing more gentle exercise. But when I go and drop into hot yoga, the restorative, the yin, the lying down relaxing kind, when I drop into there, I go into that dark room. I hear that music, I smell the essential oils. I lie down on my mat and I drop quickly into a visionary journey.

00:06:55 – 00:07:58

And as I’m in this space where I feel held, opening my body, I’m brought into these spiritual, visionary shamanic journeys through past lifetimes, through learning and healing aspects of myself from other lifetimes. I’m dropping into these journeys of uniting these different parts of my being into one of healing all of these traumas that I’ve been through and reconnecting what has been severed. When I drop into these places, there is no past or present. It’s all happening and existing at once. And I know that time is part of the physical world, space and time. It’s how we navigate this physical world. But it is not part of the world of spirit.

00:07:59 – 00:08:32

When I drop into that world, I’m realizing that as I’m going back to connect with and heal and learn from and part of me in another lifetime. I’m realizing that they’re doing the work to connect with me from what is their future? A lifetime. Realizing that it’s all happening at once, that my soul is breast through all of these different lives. And as I’m going back and forward through what could be perceived as time.

00:08:32 – 00:09:50

It’s like I am weaving my spirit back together and as I do this, I’m meeting so many incredible guides and healers and being some are other versions of me and some are entirely different beings. And one of the last images I had, it was reminded me of a scene from Avatar. We were coming together and we were all sitting around a giant, magnificent tree made with light. With branches and roots that curl all around us and roots that go into the earth and connected all of me into one single being. And it was a great healing and wise tree. And it makes me think of Brazil, the tree that Odin sacrificed himself to, to create the runes, to bring knowledge and wisdom into the world is a tree that I see as a portal where souls come through. And is a tree that unifies me and my being my soul. And I don’t know its role beyond that, but I know my experience with it.

00:09:51 – 00:11:02

As I drop into these journeys, they are profound and emotional and illuminating. I go to other times and places. I went to one where I was an asetic devoted to grace, and I chose suffering intentionally as my entry point to that place. Choosing to raise my arm up and keep it up. I lived by a beautiful river under a tree. And I would bathe in that river and look up at the sun. And feel the earth around me. And the trees and the grass. And the other devotees that live nearby and held the frequency with me. And I would feel such a grace, just a presence of love and devotion for existence and for being. There are no words to express this feeling. But what I can say is I’m incredibly grateful to experience it both then and again now through the great tree that I’m going to call it.

00:11:02 – 00:11:51

So through my intention, through my shamanic work for the support of other practitioners who brought me to this moment of remembering myself as a soul in this lifetime, remembering myself as a soul through many lifetimes. And I’ve been forward and back very, very far. Remember my first wound to my spirit on earth when I realized the pain I was inflicting on another by taking their life, even though that life was an animal and my food. It was a moment of heartbreak and empathy. And I followed my life, followed my soul throughout many lifetimes forward and the many hard lessons learned over that time.

00:11:52 – 00:12:46

And while I still forget wisdom and things I’ve learned in this life. Coming back to that, knowing that richness and remembering. Something I am endlessly grateful for. For. I’m here now. I have been and I will be. It is my soul experiencing life, and I believe that it is that for each of us and our own way and our own path. And yet we forget the depths of our own being As we are here. We forget our interconnectedness of everything. And this holds a veil of illusion and confusion over our eyes and causes us to feel alone and scared and separate.

00:12:46 – 00:13:32

I’m here to hold a candle to your own wisdom and truth. I’m here to practice holding the frequency of truth and magic and love and the willingness to do it imperfectly. I’m here for the seekers who are searching. Find an answer to that calling in their soul that begs them to not give up until they find what it is they’re looking for. I’m here for the sensitive souls who feel so much, who feel so deeply. You feel beaten down and overwhelmed and heartbroken by life. By the harshness of this world.

00:13:32 – 00:14:29

I’m here to let you know that. You’re not alone. You’re not weak and you’re not broken. You are a gift. You have within you an innate ability to feel deeply. What is feel and sense? The subtle. This makes you an innately gifted healer, leader and creative. And I’m here to share a voice that I’ve neglected for some time, and that’s my authentic voice. You see, when we get caught up in confusion and comparison. You’d be hard to even know what that voice sounds like and not realize when you’re not sharing it. Until you step back into and connection with your deeper self.

00:14:29 – 00:15:13

So this is my authentic voice. My dear, that I am grateful to share energy with you, that I am humbled by the divinity within you, that I am at peace with all that is in this moment. It is nothing that will happen once one thing is achieved. It is here and now, in this moment. It is a state of being. I connectedness. And while I will move about my day and drop into other states and that are more of the mind, I will be here now with my candle lit next to me. Feeling this energy running through my body and my heart.

00:15:14 – 00:15:58

I’d like to allow some of my guys to speak now. Autumn. Share a message with you. But they want you to know at this time in the world, this is a time of great change, as you know, and see and feel. And these times are calling you to step back into your authenticity, into your true self. They are inviting you to drop the veil. And they’re doing it for suffering. This is the feedback that we are getting as the energy on the planet increases and what we could once do that was out of alignment we can no longer tolerate.

00:16:00 – 00:17:58

And so if we fight this shift, if we fight this increase in energy, in this intensity. It’s just going to create more suffering. What we’re being invited to do. Is. Listen. Listen to our bodies. Listen to our intuition. And listen to Spirit. And if you don’t know how to do that, that’s okay. Simply your intention. Is the first step. It is always with a decision that change happens. It is with a decision, the willingness to feel our body, to breathe deeply, to feel our emotions. To break the patterns and habits that haven’t been serving us to allow ourselves to be uncomfortable with the unfamiliar with the different. So that we may step out of the familiar, painful patterns that have been holding us back. And with this decision, it takes incredible faith because you don’t yet know all the magic that lies ahead for you. But, honey, if you did, you would jump in. In a heartbeat because it is the metamorphosis process. And as we burn away the parts of our past selves, it is fucking uncomfortable. It is at times scary and painful, but with your willingness. With your decision to not give up, you will find yourself.

00:17:58 – 00:18:52

You will find the answer to what calls you. You will embody the medicine that is within you that begs to be set free and serve the world. Thank you for being here with me. I want you to know that no matter where you are in your journey, no matter what you’ve been through, I hold space for you. I feel you. I see you. And I love you. You’re not alone. Even when it feels like you are. The voices that are unkind are not your true voice. You can tell them to fuck right off. Send them into the light and claim your space and your magic and your peace that is your birthright.

00:18:52 – 00:19:55

I’m here to hold the frequency with you, like a muscle. It is practice of coming back to remembering your own truth and holding that frequency. I’m going to do it with the support of my guides who held that frequency for me. My guides who hold the frequency and the initiation of our students. My guides who hold the magic in the ancient wisdom days long, long past. Hold the compassion and the forgiveness that we believe we need. Even though we are innocent. It was with the many light beings. I’m graced to work with and feel and experience their love. That I stand with you here today in service.

00:19:57 – 00:21:04

May we all reclaim our magic and share our medicine with the world. Thank you for listening. I’m Abigail Moss. If you’d like to learn more about me, you can find me at mind Body free on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok at you or my Body Free Future episodes. You will find more interviews with healers and leaders and more messages and more channeled messages from me and from my guides. If you have any feedback or questions, reach out to me. Send me a DM. And if you feel the resonance of this, if this frequency is something that you want, support and holding, then check back again next week and I’ll be here. If you know someone who you feel needs to hear and feel this, please share it with them. And if you feel called to leave a review on iTunes to help get this light out more into the world. Thank you for listening from my heart to yours.

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