Learn the REAL reasons behind your struggles and how to overcome them by being your true self in all areas of your life.
Guide your clients though profound transformation with the Medicine Within Method; a rapid, gentle, and proven framework which seamlessly integrates shamanic healing, hypnotherapy, NLP, somatic therapy & life coaching.
Answer your higher calling and share your healing gifts while serving heart-led clients from anywhere in the world.
“I was given tools and practices to support myself wherever I am, to heal myself, and to connect to my spirit.
I learned to listen to my intuition and receive my own wisdom and truth.
I learned that I am not broken. That I am worthy. That I am enough.
I learned that I am magical.
I discovered the priestess in me, the medicine woman, who has gifts to share with the world.”
Davina, Breathwork Facilitator & Retreat Leader
Hi, I’m Abigail
I created the Medicine Within Method after a decade long obsession with healing & awakening.
From plant medicines in Peru and yogis in India, to training in shamanic healing, Chinese energetic medicine, neuro-linguistic programming, and hypnotherapy, I’ve immersed myself in both ancient wisdom and cutting edge discoveries in neuroscience.
I was on a quest to answer a calling I couldn’t ignore. I didn’t know what what it was, just that I couldn’t stop until I found it.
And in my search, I discovered a way back to myself and what has now become the Medicine Within Method; a holistic system of transformation that is as effective as it is compassionate.
Medicine Within Academy
In this certification program, you will learn how to use and embody our holistic Medicine Within Method, become a part of a supportive community, and receive personalized support to go from stuck and struggling to confidently guiding profound transformation as a leader in your field.
I can do this because I’ve been where you are… and I know what it really takes to reach your full potential as a healer.
How I learned to embody my work
Not so long ago, I doubted myself as a healer, I was exhausted all day due to undiagnosed chronic Lyme disease, and I was terrified of coming out of the spiritual closet for fear of being ‘too woo’ if I shared the actual depth of my work.
But I made the decision that healing and answering my calling was an absolute non-negotiable. I was going to heal my heart and body. I was going to do the work my soul came here to do no matter what.
Healing myself was a rite of passage that took all of what I had learned as a healer. It was my greatest teacher that took me from thinking I understood how healing works to KNOWING it through my own living embodiment of it.
“Sacred Rest” – Self portrait created during my healing journey.
It took me a decade to embody my unique medicine, but it doesn’t have to take you that long
I took the best of everything I learned and distilled into a powerful and repeatable system that I call the Medicine Within Method.
In the course of a year, my students have…
➡️ Gone from anxious photographer in Canada to embodied retreat leader in Costa Rica. 🌿
➡️ Left their day job and become a sought after podcast guest and embodiment coach. 🔥
➡️ Gone from a doctor triggered by her work environment to teaching at wellness centers, hospitals, and clinical settings, AND consulting to help integrate mindfulness and meditation into the corrections system. 👊🎉
➡️ Gone from passionate seeker to writing her first book on consciousness. ✍️
“I knew I was meant to be helping people, but I was stuck in a career that was hurting my soul. The deep work in the coach training helped me heal wounds that had been buried for years. The process of healing these spaces in myself prepared me for holding that space for others.
It brought abundance into my life and showed me that when I invest in myself it will return to me in unexpected ways. It unleashed me, I no longer restrict or hide my true self.”
Jessica, Embodiment Coach
Where the feminine quality of intuition is supported by the masculine aspect of structure.
The Medicine Within Method allows your intuition to flow while making it easy to consistently guide profound transformation, even if you’re not feeling ‘on’ that day.
The Medicine Within Method holistically integrates…
Shamanic healing addresses and releases the spiritual cause of an issue and sets a safe and sacred space for both the coach and the client.
Hypnosis allows us to quickly get to the root of a problem within the subconscious mind and rapidly shift it with ease and understanding.
Somatic therapy is a gentle and trauma-informed way to release painful experiences from the nervous system.
You’ll learn life coaching techniques to help your clients feel safe, seen and heard while enabling them to consciously process and release unconscious programming.
We incorporate neuro-linguistic programming to gently and rapidly break free of subconscious resistance to healing and growth; creating more ease and consistency when working with your clients.
Learn the language of your body, understand how a symptom has been trying to serve you, and redirect it towards wellness for both yourself and your clients.
Your certification includes a unique blend of life coaching, shamanic healing, somatic therapy, hypnotherapy & neuro-linguistic programming to gently help your clients break free of the spiritual, familial, ancestral, and past life traumas that were holding them back from their true potential.
“From the first class on day one, it felt so profound. So much has changed from who I was six months ago, and I’m so excited to see who I become six months from now.
I wanted a job that didn’t exist, which I now have clarity on. I know what that is and I know that it’s coming. It’s completely changed the trajectory of my career, my perspective on everything, and my ability to move through life. It’s been really big. This has been so so special.”
Breann, Counsellor
I invite you to take a moment to imagine what’s possible for you. What would it be like to…
I want you to know that you really can have this.
Ready to make your calling a non-negotiable?
Schedule a free clarity call to see if the Medicine Within Coach Training is right for you.
*We will never sell, rent or share personal information.