On episode 16 of the Mind Body Free Podcast, we explore from an energetic perspective, what happens when we’ve had our boundaries violated. We also go on a guided journey of healing your boundaries so you can feel strong and secure within your own space.
This episode is for anyone who’s experienced a little “t” or big “T” trauma where they felt they didn’t have claim over their own space and body. It’s also anyone who sometimes gets overwhelmed by the energy of the people and places around them. The Boundaries journey will guide you through letting go of painful past experiences, healing and reinforcing your personal boundaries, and how to claim your space even in the most uncomfortable of situations.
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Abby (00:00:00) Hello and welcome to the Mind Body Free podcast. I’m your host, Abigail Moss, and today I’m going to guide you through a journey of feeling strong, impenetrable boundaries so as paths, as highly sensitive people. It’s very common to take on other people’s emotions, the energy around us, and that can get overwhelming, really quick.
Abby (00:00:27) So when we think about boundaries, the times when we want to kind of recoil into ourselves, when things feel overwhelming, if we’re in an uncomfortable setting or we’re in a large public space, I like to use the analogy of stepping into Costco and just wanting to shrink into a small creature because the energy can feel overwhelming.
Abby (00:00:51) But what we want to do is not draw into ourselves, because if you can imagine that becomes a kind of like a vortex that we pull energy into us and it can exacerbate that overwhelming feeling. What we want to do instead is expand our energy out, become very expansive. And in doing so, we push away other energy that we don’t want in our feelings like everybody else’s stuff, and we radiate light, bright energy of our own.
Abby (00:01:25 ) And it may initially feel counterintuitive to do that, to expand out when you’re in an uncomfortable situation, but it truly is quite helpful. So we work with feeling our energy expand and also filling ourselves up. So filling up from the energy of the Earth and the energy of the heavens above and calling light to ourselves and feeling ourselves become expansive.
Abby 00:01:53) So it’s a practice, and this meditation is going to gently guide you through this inner experience of connecting with the energy around you, with the energy of the Earth and expanding your energy out. And as you do this, you may notice that people respond to you differently when you are feeling radiant, radiant, and full of life.
Abby (00:02:19) And you also may notice yourself responding differently and not feeling the urge to recoil, but feeling strong within yourself, which is what boundaries are all about feeling strong within yourself. And most of us do not have great boundaries because of how we grew up. So as children, we can’t always get our way, and I often feel like we’re forced to do things that don’t feel right for us and that can feel like a violation of our boundaries.
Abby 00:02:53) So you could consider that a small T trauma like being forced to eat food when we’re not hungry or being forced to hug someone we don’t want to hug or being forced to leave an experience that we want to stay in. Not having that control of ourselves in our own body, we don’t have a lot of control when we’re young, and that feeling of powerlessness can stay with us as we get older. Until we let that feeling go from our energy, from our beliefs, and our nervous system.
Abby (00:03:31) So there’s also the big trauma, which is any kind of physical violation, sexual or otherwise. So if you’ve been beaten up as a child in school, if you were sexually violated in some way at each point of your life, that is a larger boundary violation. And when something like that happens to us, you can imagine it creates a crack in your boundary. So you imagine your boundaries like an energetic bubble around you.
Abby (00:04:02) That is your space. It’s like that bubble has gotten a crack in it, and the space that’s yours has become compromised. So your sense of boundaries and understanding other people’s boundaries can be challenging because your sense of me and you mine and there’s my space there, space has been violated. And so when that happens, we want to repair the crack in that boundary, why we want to release any energy that has gotten in there that doesn’t belong to you.
Abby (00:04:40) And in doing so, you will become stronger and better protected in your sense of self. So when someone else can sense that you have strong boundaries, they are much less likely to mess with you. And when others sense that you? Have strong boundaries, those with good intentions feel at ease around you, it helps them to remember their boundaries as you remember yours and ultimately helps you to feel more at home in your skin and your own space.
Abby (00:05:16) So boundaries is a big topic that we could do several episodes on. But what I want for you is to have this meditation that I’m going to walk you through that is going to set you up for success. That is a powerful practice and cleansing experience to release any energy in your bubble that does not belong there and to repair any cracks that have been made throughout your life. All right. So this journey incorporates hypnotherapy that helps you access a deeply relaxed state so you don’t want to do this while you’re driving.
Abby (00:05:59) You want to give yourself a space to just relax and sink into it for the most powerful and healing effects. So without further ado, just sit back, relax and enjoy the journey in creating your own strong, impenetrable boundaries. So I want you just to take some breaths now and come into this space and this moment in time. This is right here right now in your body at this moment. And then.
Abby (00:06:38) Opening your eyes and looking up as high as you can, just with your eyes and taking in a breath and letting it out good and breathing it again. And let it down. No more time breathing in. And this time on your exhale, keep your eyes up and lower your eyelids down. The good feeling that fluttering sensation in your eyelids so that you act as a very healing trance state and allowing your eyes to relax now and go into a comfortable position, healing the muscles around your eyes, growing soft and relaxed, feeling your eyelids are heavy and it’s just so comfortable to allow them to stay closed.
Abby: And with her looking down, feeling in your body, imagining that you’re looking down over a set of stairs and you can see 10 steps below you as I count you down, you’re going to see, feel, and hear your foot treading each step. And as you move on to step 10, you can feel all the muscles in your hand. Relax space between your eyebrows, soften and relax. You drift down two steps, nine and eight, you feel your shoulders turn loose and relax.
Abby (00:08:05) All the muscles in your arms, chest back in Valley, just turn loose and relax. And you go on any of seven and six feeling your hips, sinking deeper and relaxing. Moving on to step five, you’re halfway down feeling every muscle turned loose, let loose, looming on a for feeling your whole nervous system, relax and turn loose now. He drifts down two steps, three and two, just feeling yourself, allowing yourself to drift, float and move into a powerful healing awareness of yourself.
Abby (00:08:53) Moving on to step one and going 10 times deeper. 20 times deeper. A hundred times deeper, this drifts deeper. Flow deeper. Sink even further into a powerful healing awareness of yourself, and every sound that you hear brings you deeper. And the sound of my voice brings you deeper and deeper and deeper into a healing awareness of your soul. And see Sense feel some white or gold online pouring down from above and melting in the top of your head, melting into your brain and releasing anything your brain has holding that is not aligned with your truth, releasing any untrue thoughts, beliefs, or patterns and habits.
Abby (00:09:51) I think that like going into your pineal gland and your eyes, helping you to deeply perceive the truth of what is clearing away, any fog, any confusion, anything untrue or staticky. And feeling that light melting down into the ears and opening up, unblocking anything that had been held in the ears that did not belong. Moving on into the throat and just opening the throat and feeling that sense of easy and creative expression from your heart and your true self.
Abby (00:10:28) And feeling that late melting down into their shoulder is releasing anything their shoulders had been carrying the poorest down into the arms and the lungs, feeling yourself and breathing that light into your lungs, feeling it, melting into all your organs, your heart, your liver, your gallbladder, your stomach, your spleen, your kidneys, your small intestine, your large intestine. Yeah, good feeling that light melting down into your hips, melting down your legs, into your knees, and down into your ankles and feet.
Abby (00:11:12) I had a feeling some tree roots coming from you and going into the Earth and going deeper and deeper and plugging in with the core of Mother Earth now. Feeling that pulsing energy, that heartbeat of the Earth, feeling yourself, sinking out with that now. And feeling Mother Earth and some energy up your tree roots. Up your legs, he left filling up behind your belly button. Overflowing up into the center of your chest, your heart center, you feel that light radiating out into your whole body, filling your bones, your blood, your muscles, and connective tissues, and the lining of myofascial around your body, feeling your skin, hair, and nails.
Abby (00:12:05) I’m feeling the light radiate out three feet off your body, filling your whole emotional feeling releasing anything heavy or intense or stuck out of your emotional field now and feeling that light expanding out into your whole spiritual field. Six feet off the body. My feelings. Any thoughts, any unsupportive thoughts or energies external from you just releasing and melting away into that light now? Could be a lot like filling the whole room, you’re in a home building, you’re in. A whole city. The whole country. And the whole planet.
Abby (00:12:55) You’re feeling wrapped in a bubble of light, really supported and connected from above and below. And so. When you walk into a space or you’re in an environment that feels uncomfortable, the tendency can be to shrink the energy down, and really what’s needed is to expand your energy. And I want you just to practice feeling this now, feeling an energy coming up from the Earth, up to your legs and radiating out like a smile, shining off your chest and arms and face and head.
Abby (00:13:35) Just noticing you just imagining yourself in your mind’s eye, walking into a space where there’s a lot of people, a lot of energy and just feeling this energy coming up from the Earth, filling you and radiating out like a warm smile, imagining yourself, noticing your posture and your shoulders going back. Are you standing taller feeling perhaps a smile on your face? Just noticing yourself walking about the space with your energy radiating out like this, this feeling flows through you easily and lightly and just not as others respond to you differently now that your energy is so bright and expansive.
Abby (00:14:23) So. Yeah. Good, so allowing this now to be a habit, creating this habit every time you walk into a space or encounter in an environment where in the past you used to shrink, you now allow your energy to expand and outward feel your energy radiate. And fill the room, fill yourself, fill your whole body, your whole emotional, and your whole spiritual body with this bright light smile radiating out from you. Because indeed, doing this is a powerful, protective boundary as you radiate light and warmth out.
Abby (00:15:18) No energy can interfere with that. This indeed is protection. And ironically, it’s when you feel your energy that it doesn’t need to be protected as when you really, truly feel this expansiveness of feeling imagining yourself walking through this space with your head held up your shoulders back, feeling the lightness and the warmth of this, the confidence.
Abby (00:15:53) It’s allowing physiology to adapt to this move in this way, more and more each day to allow us to become natural for you as you do just practicing meaning throughout your day, moving through your walk, simply sitting where you are practicing this feeling more and more, allowing it to become more and more of your natural flow, your natural state each day and every time you listen to this recording, it reminds you and me tunes you into this and you listen to this recording often to create the habit of being in the flow, being upright, confident and bright.
Abby (00:16:41) And you do this. You listen to this recording more and more. You notice it becomes more and more a part of you. It’s healing this confidence, this lightness. You notice more and more differences in how those around you are responding to you as you show up with this powerful bright energy within you and moving through you, supporting you and protecting you. Just allowing yourself to be in the energy of power, of strength, of lightness, of a smile, knowing that this is who you truly are. The powerful being connected to all that is simply allowing yourself to find that alignment more and more each day.
Abby (00:17:35) And as you do, you will notice even greater and greater ease as you move through life and experience those around you reacting differently to thoughts and feelings that you convey while you’re in this vibrant, expansive, light state. Knowing that your energy, your thoughts, your emotions on the electromagnetic field, others around you can sense and feel the thoughts you think of yourself, of the thoughts that others will often think of you too. As you walk into spaces and around others reminding yourself that you are loved, you are love, that you are connected, deeply connected with the Earth and the heavens above, and with your own heart and truth.
Abby (00:18:32) And feeling that smile and expansiveness coming from you. Noticing more and more how beautiful their responses are when others witnessed this and you. And another layer of your boundaries is knowing your truth. So feeling in the very core of you now your wisdom, your integrity, his feeling that as a light expanding out from the very center of you like a white light, getting brighter and brighter, it’s the knowingness of simply a part of you allowing that knowingness to grow to illuminate you around that feeling compassion for yourself. Healing that compassion and love for yourself surrounding them, bright light, filling your whole body.
Abby (00:19:33)This is another layer of your boundary that radiates outright from you. Adding this layer naturally, easily knowing that connecting with the light supports this and this creates a connection with the light. Feeling your connection from heaven, from Earth, and your true self. You are having an experience of life. You are aware and you choose how you respond to life. Make a choice now if you wish to respond from this place, self-compassion of integrity, feeling deeply connected and supported by the universe where Mother Earth is.
Abby (00:20:32) By the heavens. Good. And this is allowing this light to penetrate the cells of your body and your whole being, your physical body, your emotional body, your spiritual body. Citing a blessing of light into your past and blessing of light into your future. Knowing that all is divinely guided and you are perfectly in the flow, really aligned with the core of who you are and as you align with this, moving through life is joyful, beautiful, playful. So allowing yourself to live in joy, beauty, and play.
Abby (00:21:26) It’s allowing for a powerful impression of these experiences and these true concepts to stay with you, to continue guiding you and nourishing you. And imagining now a bubble of light around, you know, a bubble of light is your boundaries feeling it? Six feet out from you are even further out. Bad thing, all of you. And imagine seeing if there’s anywhere that those boundaries have been cracked. This sends them filling with light. Now. Seeing them be impaired, seeing lines of light coming in and crossing over and just healing and repairing all of those cracks now with your strong, powerful force field, with your boundaries, knowing that you are a strong, powerful being.
Abby (00:22:26) I feel a sense of knowing where you and others begin. And claiming all of you. And taking radical ownership for all of you knowing that you are powerful, you choose your thoughts and actions and beliefs with awareness. And what others do is their responsibility. Look, you never know the true thoughts and reasons for others’ behavior. What you can do. He understands that what you do is your responsibility. Take radical ownership for yourself, knowing that you are powerful, free, and innocent.
Abby (00:23:20) And living with strong, impenetrable boundaries, feeling the force field around you filled with light, feeling it reinforced with lines of light horizontal and vertical crossing over each other. Feeling light, connecting you from above and from below and from your true self. You are a powerful force. You are free. You are filled with light and made of light. Feeling your profound connection with your true self and the alignment of the light that you are. Knowing that no one else can truly take from you. Nothing can be truly taken from you. Because you have sovereignty over yourself. And how you see your life.
Abby (00:24:27) And choosing the stories that are powering that are freeing to you. Knowing that you are worthy of happiness and joy and peace. Happiness and joy and peace come freely to you and you live in alignment with your true self. Now. And imagining a set of stairs in front of you now with five steps. As you place your foot on step five, you feel aligned, you feel in your truth, you feel free. Moving on to step four, feeling the powerful truth of these experiences and concepts within you, supporting you nourishing and reinforcing your strong, impenetrable boundaries.
Abby (00:25:18) I mean, honest up to feeling healed, feeling grounded, and deeply connected. Moving on or someone feeling fully in your body, feeling your fingertips and your toes, feeling here or feeling present, feeling free and good, taking in a deep, beautiful breath. And opening your eyes.
Abby (00:25:50) Thank you so much for listening, I hope you enjoyed this meditation, this guided journey on healing your boundaries, on having powerful, strong, impenetrable boundaries. I hope it brings you a lot of peace and healing wherever you may go next. And if you enjoyed this journey, I encourage you to subscribe and review Apple Podcasts. It helps to help other people find this healing work. And if you’d like to learn more about the work
Abby (00:26:25) I do and go deeper into your healing journey, you can find me on mindbodyfree.com and learn about my mentorship programs at mindbodyfree.com/mentorship. Their six-month journey of healing and awakening within a sacred group and community.
Abby (00:26:45) And if you have any requests for future episodes or feedback from this one, you can reach out to me on Facebook and Instagram @yourmindbodyfree. So thank you so much for listening. Sending you my love and talk soon.
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