You know you're meant for so much more...

But you don't know what it is or how to find it

Welcome home. Sacred + Unleashed is a sanctuary for seekers to embody your authentic self, develop your intuition and answer your calling.


Awaken to your authentic self and release unconscious programming and wounding so you can feel at home in your mind, body, spirit and life.


Find freedom from what’s been weighing you down in our live healing sessions and curriculum by alchemizing life’s challenges into a medicine for your soul.


Your higher self carries the blueprints for your calling. Access your inner vision and knowing so you can take the next steps in your divinely guided life.

I see you, old soul

You’re a deeply feeling seeker called to something more, even if you don’t yet know what it is or how to get there. 

Because this fire inside you 🔥 tells you not to stop until you find it.

And a part of you knows that life is meant to be more soulful, connected, and expansive

But it’s like there’s this invisible wall in the way of the life your heart and soul are craving.

If this is you, Sacred + Unleashed is your place to answer your calling.

To remember who you truly are and what you’re meant to be doing in this lifetime.

To unburden your heart and soul.

And shed what’s been holding you back from fully living.

This is your place to become who you were always meant to be so you can have the life your heart desires.


It unleashed me...

“It brought abundance into my life and showed me that when I invest in myself it will return to me in unexpected ways. It unleashed me, I no longer restrict or hide my true self.”


for old souls who are ready to...

break free of the grind

Something inside you knows you’re meant for more and it’s screaming to break free of the hustle and grind. This is your place to rewrite the script and choose the life you really want.

End the Cycle of burnout

It feels like the harder you work, the harder it gets to keep up, and it’s exhausting. Something’s gotta change because this path only leads to burnout.

Come into wholeness

It starts with you. Remember who your authentic self is and come home to deeper connection, fulfillment, and peace.

"What you're seeking is seeking you."

– Rumi

Imagine this...

Ease and flow

You wake up with a sense of freedom and excitement for what the day will bring. You know that you’re always supported and you check in with your higher guidance before taking aligned action with ease and flow.

focused manifestation

You become a magnet for what you want because you know you’re both worthy of having it and capable of creating it. Manifestation comes naturally to you because you’re an energetic match for the things you want.

You know + love yourself

Does it get easier? Yes. Not because hard things stop happening, but because you get stronger. Instead of getting stuck for months, years, or lifetimes, you come together with your Sacred + Unleashed community and clear what’s weighing you down so you can continue moving forward in a life you love.

Hi, I’m Abigail

10 years ago, I felt overwhelmed by the pain in the world and desperate to find something that would give me a sense of freedom and purpose.

In my search, I found the healing power of Ayahuasca in the Amazon jungle, where I was blessed to work with plant medicines and Shipibo shamans. 

This is where I woke up to a world of light, spirit, and connection. In the jungle, I let go of a heaviness that had been breaking my heart in two.

When I returned home to Canada, I wanted stay connected to the magic I had found. I needed a way to live in spirit, flow, and aliveness while also living in the 3D world.

So I went on to train in ancient healing practices and modern day therapies so I could learn the language of the mind, body, heart, and spirit. 

This is how I learned to stand with a foot in each world: the world of spirit and the physical world as we know it.

Through this work, I was able to see a clear vision for my life.

I learned to alchemize the beliefs, emotions, and subconscious conditioning that had been holding me back from creating my dream life.

And from here, I healed myself of chronic illness, healed my marriage, helped my dog heal from cancer, and bought my dream home next to a forest.

I also got to help client after client create the changes they craved in their own lives.

I led a high-end group mentorship where I guided seekers home to their own heart, body and spirit.

And while it was amazing, I felt called to create a larger community for seekers and old souls who know they’re meant for more.


– Introducing –

Sacred + Unleashed

A sanctuary for seekers to embody your authentic self, develop your intuition and answer your calling.

Sacred + Unleashed is like a high end mentorship for the price of a membership. 

This is your place to:

🔥 Know and answer your higher calling.

🔥 Come home to your authentic self.

🔥 Embody your original medicine.

 I invite you to take a moment to imagine what’s possible for you…

What would it be like to...
Stop the worry and doubt because you know you're divinely guided and supported each step of the way? You use your higher guidance to make soul-aligned decisions with the kind of knowing Taylor Swift has that she's going to sell out a stadium.
Not get stuck on the sticky stuff
You know that when the sh!t hits the fan, you're supported AND you have the tools to clear things as they come up. No longer does it knock you off your feet for weeks, months, or more.
Embody the frequency of abundance
Things that used to feel impossible are showing up in the most magical and synchronistic ways because you know and embody the energy of what you wish to create in your life.

I want you to know that you really can have it all.

Sacred + unleashed membership includes:

3X monthly live classes

We come together over Zoom for live classes where we work in the Superconscious Method to rapidly clear what has been blocking, stopping and holding you back from achieving the abundance you want.

A sanctuary for old souls

Our community focuses on creating a safe and sacred place for old souls and intuitives to connect and support each other. It’s a lot easier and WAY more fun to work with a soul family who have shared intentions than trying to figure it all out alone.

Empowering Tools

You’ll learn simple, powerful techniques to clear your energy, , heal the past, embody your authentic self and connect with your divine guidance so you can know what steps to take and when.

Holistic Transformation

We’re the only membership to address every layer of mind, body, spirit, energy, and action to create real and rapid transformation with personalized support in each live class.

Live Trainings Vault

You’ll have access to previous classes and trainings where we dive deep into wholeness, abundance, spiritual growth and purpose.

Guest teachers

You’ll get to learn from expert teachers and healers as they guide you through profound lessons and transformation.

The Superconscious Method

We work using the Superconscious Method; using the quantum field, intention, and divine support to rapidly clear unconscious, energetic, and physical blocks from our minds, bodies and spirits.


Will I be able to attend the live classes?
Class times will rotate between weekday mornings and evenings to accommodate multiple time zones and schedules.
What if I can't attend live?
All classes will be recorded and available for replay in case you're not able to attend live.
Will this work for me?
The only way it won't work is if you don't do it. Your willingness to show up with an open heart and mind is the foundation of any transformation, and this course is no exception.
How does cancellation work?
You are free to cancel your membership any time. A cancellation will be reflected in your next billing cycle.
Is this right for me?
If you have a genuine openness and desire to release what is blocking you from have the life you want and you're willing to show up for yourself, then yes.
Is this a safe space for me?
We strive to create an open, loving, and accepting space for old souls. We ask members to help in co-creating this space by taking care and responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, actions, and needs.

Where Would You Like Us To Send Your Group Invitation?

*We will never sell, rent or share personal information.